Chapter 13

692 13 36

Akutagawa's POV:

Atsushi agreed to go to the park. He agreed to go to the park with me..

I tried keeping a calm face for the remender of my work but I couldn't stop smirking.

I need to make myself presentable. I need advice. And why not get advice from my 2nd favorite coworker? Chuuya. yay.

I walked up to him as he was talking with some random person, a newbie I think. So I waited behind him for a while. Me staring at him might have gotten him scared enough to leave.

Chuuya sighed as he turned around only to flinch when he realized I was behind him.

"Jeez! You need to stop with that habit of yours." He said adjusting his hat.

"Ok. But that besides the point. I need hanging out advice." I said, monotone.

"Oh~ is what Dazai told me true~?" He said laughing.

"Maybe? But I need advice. I don't trust Gin with that. She'll get ideas... Again"

"Okay no need to be pushy, That's one. Uhh... Don't stand behind them for who knows how long... I dont know"

"How do you not know? You hang out with dazai all the time"

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever you bring alcohol you get drunk, when you get drunk you complain about everything. Alls you said was being around dazai is a pain and stuff like that, makes it sound daily that's the only reason I came to you for advice" I explained. Chuuya looks like the worlds gonna end. Oh well.

"Ahem, anyways.... Are you, like, serious serious about this person?" He asked changing the subject.


"Like love?"


"I- ok uh, be nice, don't drink alcohol with them and don't kill them"

"Why not alcohol?"

"First things first Akutagawa, you say nothing of this im only telling you because your stupid and i don't want you to make a fool of yourself"


"There was this one time when I went drinking with dazai and since he was paying I bought lots drinks so I could save them for later. I don't trust that bandage freak, but I gave in to temptation and drank a bit and might have confessed something, then the next few days he annoyed me about it. He also lik- um long story short my ass hurt "

I stared at him for a bit. He looks like a tomato with a hat. "But I'm not bottoming" I said. But after I thought about it. "Maybe we could switch. That's a maybe"

He stared at me back like i was an alien. Which I'm not.

"You and I have heard enough, shu" he said pushing me back to where my desk is.

"And make sure they don't collect weird ropes with patterns on them" even I could tell a shiver went down chuuya's spine.

"Especially different colored ones, ones decorated with odasaku man... Rainbows.... Sperm..." He whispered that last one.

I will never think of dazai the same.


With Ranpoe + Karl

You hearing this poe?-Ranpo

Hearing what?- Poe

That akutagawa guys new trauma -Ranpo

No? What is it? -Poe

The liquid you poured into me last night? And the same one I poured into you? -Ranpo

Oh yeah...WAIT!! -Poe

Karl is disturbed

With you - Shin soukokuWhere stories live. Discover now