CHAPTER 11 Tell me what you know ♧

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she suggested. Lorenzo replied casually: _I don't hire someone for every house I own. Some of them remain empty like caves. Yuna replied mischievously: _Who told you that caves are always empty? There might be animals living there. Lorenzo shrugged his shoulders indifferently: _Regardless, I certainly don't live inside a cave to know what's going on there. Annoyed by his answer, she sighed: _You are truly hopeless!" Finally, Lorenzo proudly announced: _There, it's ready! I just hope you like it. Surprised by the contents of the dish, Yuna happily exclaimed: _"Oh!" Curious, she asked to confirm her dietary suspicions: _Wait, do you eat spicy food, I can't see your plate. Without hesitation, Lorenzo responded calmly _I prepared something else and I can't stand his kind of food at all. _.... _Why are you so silent, you're afraid that I won't eat it. _It's either one or the other. Yuna takes a spoonful of soup and finds it delicious, takes one, and one more until she finishes her entire plate.

_I didn't think you were so hungry otherwise since last night we should have eaten ramen.(sex) _Coughhh coughhh, What????? _Be careful with your glass of water otherwise you will end up strangling yourself for good. _I never told you I was hungry so stop talking nonsense. _Yuna I want you to be my wife. _It's okay, you finally broke down. _If it's for you it won't bother me. _What a joy I am leaving and thank you for the meal. She took her things carefully before leaving the house. Once outside, she turned to take one last look out the window. Lorenzo was there, motionless like a shadow cast through the window at the top. This moment reminded him of the words Eduardo had said just before hanging up the phone: "You should really care not only about where you are but also about the person who is with you." So she took her cell phone and called him. _Don't stay like that in front of the window if people see you they will have heart problems. _I retired in front of the window as soon as you left. _I forgot to ask you what kind of job you do exactly?

He replied with pride: _I am in business my queen, business. _(sighing slightly) I have already mentioned that this nickname bothers me deeply. So please stop... _But you have to admit that this title suits you perfectly! After all, you are the queen in the eyes of no one except me, you are my true sovereign. With these words full of affection (and perhaps even possessive), she ended the call after having sketched a knowing smile towards her silhouette still visible behind the transparent glass then quickly got into her car before slowly leaving the paved driveway. As she took her leave under the insistent gaze of the trees bordering their silent property, Antonio had been carefully observing Lorenzo for several minutes. He crossed his arms over his muscular chest, displaying a half-amusing, half-serious expression. _Frankly, I sincerely think that certain psychiatric hospitals always have a few places available...(he blurted). Lorenzo then suddenly turned his gaze towards Antonio and said to him. _Antonio my guy tells me North Korea, or prison. And what are you insinuating? that I need medical follow-up because I care about her? He simply shrugged his shoulders:

_Maybe it's true? Or maybe you just need a little break to clarify your thoughts about our dear "queen". She seems to be occupying all your thoughts lately. To answer your question I think staying at home will do the trick. And why did you let her go, I thought you wanted her, were my ears playing tricks on me? _Nothing is in a hurry, patience, not only do I want to possess her but also everything that weighs too much on her shoulders. _Did you already have a plan in mind? _LET THE GAME BEGIN. _No no that doesn't interest me, I'll pass my turn again, your so-called game doesn't... "Lorenzo's gaze froze: _Do you want to die?" At the same time _Who was that on the phone, the voice seems familiar? "Eun Ji asked." Eduardo takes a few seconds to respond and says: _Yuna. _Where do you know his name? _I saw her for myself last night when my brother was holding her and I remind you that your cousin is not just anyone, it's the same for you so you should avoid being drunk anywhere. _I know very well, no need to be so precise, did you tell her what she was where? "A smirk returned to light up Eduardo's face _I see that the interrogation continues, that's a good sign." She sighs then clutches her phone in her hand, her eyes flashing. _ "Don't make fun of me, Eduardo. What are you up to?"

_"Me? Scheme? What idea," replied Eduardo, feigning innocence. "I'm just worried about you and your dear cousin." _Well sir, your worries ring false, stop pretending, tell me what you're up to, before I gouge your eyes out. _Since the first day I saw you, I should have followed my intuition that you are a viper. _Shut your mouth, who are you calling viper? I'm sure you know something, I feel it. Tell me what you know about Yuna and your brother, what's going on between them. Eduardo sighed, running a hand through his black hair. Then replied: _I'm not sure what you mean. All I know is that my brother seemed very close to her last night a little too close, maybe it's my imagination. _You mean there are some deep things between these two how did you know. _ To be honest the reason why our mother forbade us from entering Korea especially Lorenzo, was to prevent her two from meeting and also because of the past conflicts of the 4 big families to have control of Korea, but Yuna's family won this war, which aroused the hatred and killing of her family. So they were obliged,

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