Chapter 3 : Memories About You

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Darlin' hold me in your arms
The way you did last night And we'll die inside For a little while here


" You.. what?! Pond, you really are crazy."

Joong gently massaged his temples, feeling dizzy from the series of sentences he had just heard on the phone. "I can't. I can't go there today - well , even if you keep insisting that it's only a few blocks from the hospital but still, I can't leave the hospital. What? Phuwin is furious?"

Someone over the phone whimpered and Joong felt that this guy really didn't live up to his age as a 22 year old grown man. He whined like a 5 year old.

"Pond, Pond Naravit?!" Right after the whining stopped, the man on the other end of the line ended the call. Joong growled in annoyance.

"What is it?"

Joong was surprised when he found Dunk beside him, sitting on a waiting chair along the balcony in front of his patient's room. Since when was he there?

"You have to go?"

Actually Joong didn't have to go anywhere today. "Hmm.. do you remember Phuwin?"

Dunk nodded quickly and Joong smiled. Joong could see the confusion in the man's eyes because Joong didn't answer his question and instead asked something.

"Phuwin's friend , Pond Naravit -you may have heard his name, Phuwin once called it in front of you - moving house ." Joong paused to take a deep breath, sometimes he didn't understand the strange things that Pond Naravit was planning in his life. "He moved to the area around this hospital -he said it is just a few blocks, five minutes walk from this hospital. Okay, that's not a problem - he could even go to the south poles and I don't care. The problem now... Phuwin is mad at him."

"Why is Phuwin mad at Pond?"

Dunk chuckled, he seemed interested in this conversation. It was clear from how his eyes were sparkling while looking at Joong.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Joong felt tired just to explain how strange his two friends were. "Pond is an aspiring prosecutor. He will start working at a government's office next week. And that office is located about 10 km from his house now."

"Wow." Dunk stared at Joong in disbelief. He muttered something like, "Then why did he move house to... ah ." But then he closed his mouth and an understanding appeared on his face. Joong didn't understand what Dunk understood.

"He really is stupid, isn't he? Why did he choose to live near this hospital? So inefficient. Anyway, whatever the reason, now Phuwin is there and he is fuming. Pond called and told me to come there right now, he asked me to help with the moving in thingy and at the same time tried to calm Phuwin Tangsakyuen because the man wouldn't stop nagging. And of course I can't do that."

Dunk's brow furrowed and the look on his face showed displeasure. "Why can't you do it? Go, Joong Archen. You don't have to be around me all the time. You also have a life."

Now it's Joong's turn to frown because he didn't like whatever he just heard.

"You want to come?" Joong also knew this offer sounded crazy, but at least Pond's house was very close to the hospital. Compared to this offer, their activities yesterday were far more risky.

"Hmmm.. will I be a bother? After all, I'm like an uninvited guest if I show up there?"

"I don't think so, Dunk. Phuwin himself said he wanted to introduce Pond to you. I think Phuwin will be pleased with your appearance."

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