The Mage

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Rosen watched from her perch far above, as the companions abandoned by the pale creatures argued about what to do next. The green companion threw their hands to the heavens in disdain and stalked off, leaving the remaining companions to look betwixt themselves, only to eventually shrug their shoulders and follow the green one into the muck and the rain. Rosen wondered what she would do with herself now that she had no ties to the cults anymore. She almost surprised herself with her near sadness at having lost them. They were all impossibly vile, evil men who deserved to die, of course, but they also had given her safety, sanctuary, hot meals, and a safe place to sleep for the past several months. Unknowingly, of course, but yet. She would miss the security she had experienced while slinking in and out of their midst. Rosen sighed, considering her next moves. The rain began to puddle around her feet, making her shoes sink into the soft muck below her. 

She supposed that she could wait around in the wet cold or follow this new group of traveling companions and see what they did. Perhaps they would set up a camp with a fire, and Rosen could approach them and play the part of a weary traveler, asking them to warm themselves by their fire. Or perhaps she could wait until they slept and take what she needed of them. 

Perhaps if Rosen had not been so lost in her thoughts, she would have seen the mud sliding down the face of the steep hill before her. Perhaps she would have noticed it sooner if I had not been so dark. Perhaps if I had not been so muddy, she wouldn't have put much effort into each long, dragging step. Perhaps she would have been slightly swifter on her feet and could have course-corrected herself. However, she could not. Rosen was falling through the empty night air like a drop of rain, landing in a screaming, cursing heap at the feet of the traveling companions only moments before she had considered robbing as they slept.

"fuck." Was all she could manage to say. 

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