Chapter 8-Madness

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Chapter 8- Madness

Jungkook's Place- You couldn't take being restrained again. Everything bad happened to you  being confined by him that way. The bangs and thumps from the people moving in upstairs made you jump at every little sound. You awoke quickly even with the drugs he gave you. Now though you were in a full sweat and scared as if the sounds were echoing loudly in your ears and your mind. The depression from the killing of your parents and the rape had taken it's tole and your mind started to unravel. He came home to find you drenched and in a altered state. It scared him. Should he take you to the hospital. No he couldn't do that. He would lose you. He filled the tub and unchained you picking you up. You didn't seem to even notice he was there at the moment with you. You managed to get out of his grip and ran to a corner and pulled yourself into a ball shaking non stop. Jungkook wasn't anticipating this. He ran his fingers through his hair and intended to get you by force to put you in the tub. He thought the water might help to bring you around. 

He was just about to move to do that when the door burst open. There stood Suga with the police with weapons drawn. He glanced over to you in the corner and made a move towards you to protect you from everyone. Just then a tazer was fired by an officer making Jungkook fall to the floor. He looked at you and managed to get out "I love you Baby! I will come back for you!".  

Now everyone's attention turned to your form in the corner. A timid shy starved child of a girl hid her face in her knees not responding to anything or anyone. Suga went and spoke softly getting down to your level. He reached to touch you and you initially flinched away. Then he just nodded and softly smiled and reached with one finger. "It's me Suga!". Somehow your mind comprehended. You repeated the name you wanted to hear for so long. "Suga?". you questioned. In your state you weren't sure if you were passed out dreaming or if he was actually there in front of you. Then he reached to touch you as he carefully pulled you into a hug. You clung on to him as if a baby to its mother. He cried tears of relief at finding you alive. He wouldn't put you down as you wouldn't let go, afraid he would disappear. He sat like that in the ambulance with you as Jungkook yelled at him from in the police car nearby. "Let her go she is mine!" He began to thrash and kick trying to get out the cuffs placed on him from behind. Suga gave him only one angry look that was a death glare but he could not take his eyes away from his kitten. She was alive and in his arms.

FalloutYou were hospitalized for about a month due to your condition. You were severely underweight and your mind needed therapy and some medication. You had a hard time dealing with the fact that your parents were murdered by someone you viewed as a friend at one point. That friend namely Jungkook had kidnapped you since he was obsessed with you and even raped you. The guilt and feelings and nightmares and self worth you had afterwards put you on a rung of feeling less than dirt for a time. Your mind had a hard time to cope. Suga visited you in the hospital when ever the doctors allowed it which luckily was often. He always had a calming effect on you. He was there when you needed someone.

When you were about to be discharged, you had no one at home and of course he insisted you come live with him. 

You were to the point now a few months later that you had weekly sessions and began to get back to your own self finally. Jungkook's legacy was still to haunt you after though as it was another two months later after leaving the hospital that you found out you were pregnant with Jungkook's child. This devastated you all over again. You couldn't kill the child even with all you went through. Suga was there like your rock through it all. He was patient and gentle and kind and told you he was still in love with you. He asked you then to marry him to protect you from other people and a society that might attack you all for being a single mother or for the trauma you went through. You agreed after another week of him practically begging and trying to convince you that he would love you regardless. Love doesn't just die. You were a part of him as much as he was a part of your heart. You knew you loved him and his personality and protection and the fact that he saved you won you over. It was less than a week later and you were married to Suga. He wanted to be married to the woman he loved since he first met her.   

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