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And adrenaline.

These are the driving forces that compel me onward, urging me to keep running, to never stop, because if I do I will surely Die.

"How many times have I dodged its grasp?" I wonder aloud to myself, the question lingering in the air. "And how much longer can I evade its clutches?"

It matters little where I roam; death seems to lurk around every corner, a constant shadow haunting my every move. Since that dreadful day, I've sought solace in living quietly, yet peace eludes me. Why must I be pursued relentlessly? Why am I the target of this relentless pursuit? Is it my destiny to die?!

"Why me?" I ponder, the weight of the question heavy on my shoulders. "Should I surrender and accept my fate?"

Questions swirl in my mind, echoing the turmoil that rages within. What recourse do I have? Weariness engulfs me, weary of this pitiful existence, weary of this unforgiving world, weary of the nightmares that plague me each time I dare to close my eyes.

"I'm tired," I admit to myself, the admission a whispered confession to the empty expanse around me. "Tired of everything. Tired of this wretched life. Tired of this cruel world."

As I slow my pace, the urge to surrender growing stronger, a faint voice breaks through the silence, a mere whisper in the chaos of my thoughts. It's so delicate, I almost dismiss it, yet something compels me to listen.

"Do you wish to live?" the voice asks, its words penetrating the haze of despair that clouds my mind. "Do you desire strength?"

I pause, considering the offer presented to me. Voices in my head? Am I losing my grip on reality? The thought sends a shiver down my spine, yet amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope flickers to life within me.

Vampire Lord: Blood Reign in NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now