Chapter 6

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"I assume that the book you read did not mention the origin of vampires...?" he said, looking at her questioningly while tilting his head slightly. The young, beautiful green-haired girl denied it, and the vampire began to speak satisfactorily as he crossed his legs.

"Vampires do not originate from here. From this universe, but from a distant and distant universe. In fact, I am the only vampire in this world!"


Long, long ago, in a distant universe, there existed a small planet where only humans and other beings lived. However, one thing these beings had in common was that they possessed no supernatural powers.

Over time, humans, with their high intelligence, developed various weapons from pistols to atomic bombs. They exploited their nature, leading to problems like climate change and other serious consequences. But the straw that broke the camel's back was the invasion of aliens.

Aliens from unknown planets infiltrated this blue planet, surprising the inhabitants with their superpowers and enslaving them. They transported these humans to their unknown planet, which later revealed itself as Interearht.

Years passed before the genes of humans began to change. Many humans awakened different superpowers, giving rise to new, more powerful races: namely werewolves, elves, and vampires. However, they all shared one thing in common: their life expectancy greatly increased.

These new powers were utilized by both normal humans and the new races to fight against their common enemy. They made a deal to help each other defeat this foe. Years went by, and the battle between the two sides grew stronger, with many casualties.

But in the end, the four races triumphed over the aliens, eliminating every last one of them. They then attempted to build a common life together. However, the keyword is 'attempted.' For how can beings with differing views and abilities peacefully coexist? It wasn't long before conflict arose, as tensions escalated.

Humans feared vampires, not only because they fed on their blood but also on the blood of the other three races. They were the weakest, lacking powerful abilities, relying solely on weapons. The tipping point occurred when the human friend of the vampire leader betrayed his friend, stabbing him deceitfully in the back.

Thus began the hundred-year war among all races. Some fought for revenge, others for more land and resources. Many died, and many lost their lives in this battle.

With no clear winner, the leaders of the four races decided that each would take their own race elsewhere to live separately, agreeing to peace for 100 years before resuming the fight. Thus, humans settled in the south, werewolves in the north, elves in the east, and vampires in the west. Thus ended the first and greatest war among the races, and they lived in their own territories.


The young lady was enthralled and shocked by his tale. Sometimes she had to interrupt him to ask about werewolves or elves and other new terms she wasn't familiar with. But no matter how unbelievable it sounded, she knew he was telling the truth.

"That's all about the story or the origin of vampires. What many non-vampires don't know is that there are three types of vampires, namely..."

And there, Kaito explained how vampires are categorized into three types: pure-blood vampires, hybrid vampires, and normal vampires.

Pure-blood vampires have white hair and piercing blue eyes, being the strongest with the most unique powers, including the ability to turn others into vampires. Then there are hybrids, born from a union between a vampire and another race, identified by their lilac and red right eye and orange left eye. Lastly, there are normal vampires who retain their original hair color but have blood-red eyes.

"There are also ranks among vampires, but I think that's enough info for today," he added before meeting her gaze.

He noticed her dissatisfaction and obvious desire for more, finding her pouty expression a bit endearing. However, he composed himself, his mouth that had curved upwards at the thought now straightening into a line as he remembered that she was human, turning his head away from her.

'She's one of those insects,' he said with a venomous tone.

'But not for long,' he added as he caught her thoughtful gaze from the corner of his eye. His thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

"I'm ready. I want to be a vampire!" she declared.


I uploaded two chapters today because I didn't upload for three days due to having tests, and university started yesterday. In short, it was stressful :/

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P.S. Thanks to those who voted and commented  =). 

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