Chapter 7

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'But not for long,' he added as he caught her thoughtful gaze from the corner of his eye. His thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

"I'm ready. I want to be a vampire!" she declared.


Kaito gazed deeply into the eyes of the girl whose name he still didn't know. Observing her determination, he rose from his seat and approached the bed where she sat. He noticed her growing nervousness as he drew nearer. Yet, she had to endure, for he had no other choice. He needed to make contact with her and bite her to turn her into a vampire.

"What... What are you doing?" the green-haired young woman asked him, panic evident in her voice. She couldn't comprehend why he was getting so close to her. But before she could leave the bed or rise to her feet, the man was beside her in a flash. He climbed onto the bed and sat behind her as she remained seated. She could feel his warm breath against her neck.

Sensing her fearful reaction to their proximity, Kaito grasped her shoulders firmly to prevent her from fleeing and attempted to reassure the frightened girl.

"If you wish to become a vampire and control your own destiny, you should not move. It will hurt a bit, but the pain will pass," he explained in a calm, deep voice.

"How... How will you turn me into a vampire?" the girl asked, this time much calmer. However, she remained uncertain and intrigued by the method he would employ to grant her the coveted power.

'...He wouldn't bite me, would he...?' the young lady wondered to herself, unsure.

But before she could dwell on it further, she felt a sharp prick at her shoulder a few seconds later.


Noticing her distracted reaction, Kaito seized the opportunity to bite her shoulder, injecting her with the special venom stored in the fangs of pure-blood vampires. He observed her attempts to resist and tightened his grip on her shoulder to keep her in place. This process could not be interrupted; otherwise, her only outcome would be death.

'Maybe I should have mentioned it,' he pondered.

The girl immediately felt her body heat up as the vampire suddenly bit her. It was painful, but bearable. However, she noticed her energy rapidly declining and sensed something changing within her body. But before she could observe further, she suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous, her body feeling as though she had been in a hot spring for hours. She felt like she would lose consciousness in a few more seconds if this continued. Amidst the pain she endured, she let out some pained whimpers.

Vampire Lord: Blood Reign in NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now