Chapter : 03

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"Actually, it all started when we were in Bangalore

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"Actually, it all started when we were in Bangalore. We were assigned the same room, and because of that, we became good friends. We also went on a fewoutings together. Turns out, we have similar likings."

Bruh? He is spewing lies like anything, I myself would have believed him. The expression on his face was maintained throughout, seriously nothing could give away that he was lying.

I am quite impressed by his acting skills, not gonna lie, He would have made into a great actor.
"and then like a week ago we decided to give ourselves a chance" he concluded looking at me.

Sheen's expression softened a little, I could only hope that she believed into the utter lie Ishan just spat out.

After sheen's interrogation, my mom started chatting with him, but unlike Sheen she is asking him about his family and stuff.

I relaxed visibly, my tension easing eventually, Ishan seems more than happy to answer my mom's question, as they both are busy chattering me and Sheen ordered some food.

Everything was going smoothly when -
"You came home late that day, were you two together?"



Me and Ishan spoke at the same time.

Poora plan paani me gya chappak,
Mera jooth paani me gya chappak chappak.

Well, I can take the plan out of the Paani.

"I mean yes, We were together that day but it's not the reason of me being late on that day, actually my manager called me because of some paper work for which I went to the office and later got stuck in traffic" I said calmly, and It's not entirely a lie if we just remove the 'We were together that day' part then It's completely true.


If ishan was panicking because of the blunder that we almost made , he didn't let it show on his face.

We were almost done when my eyes noticed what Ishan was wearing. He was wearing a black Tshirt which says:


A little chuckle escaped from my mouth, which caught the attention of all three of them. "Nothing," I said, dismissing their looks.

I was truly grateful for Ishan's help, I never imagined that this day would turn out like this. What would have happened if Ishan had not been here? I guess then I would have had to tell them the truth, which wasn't an option either.

I was feeling a little guilty too because sooner or later I'll be telling them that me and Ishan broke up, but that's on the future. Let me enjoy my time with my family and fake boyfriend.

"Go, bring some Icecream from there" Sheen pointed to a famous Ice cream parlour which was a few steps away from the restaurant that we were sitting in.

"Why? We can order from here na" I protested

"Nope, Their Ice creams are the best" Sheen retorted

"I agree with her" spoke Ishan.

"Are you trying to be in her good books" I asked rasing an eyebrow.

"Hello, He is already in my good books" Sheen answered.

Well he will not be in your good books anymore if you'll find out the truth that how convincingly he was lying a few minutes ago.

"Ishan you are suppose to support me"
I whined acting like I was his real bf.

"Stop whining Shub and go get me the ice cream" Sheen ordered.

"Take Ishan with you" said my mom.
She can be a little over sometimes.

When we were away from their hearing range, Ishan let out a laugh, his eyes crinkling, I noticed his face as I was walking very closer to him. He has big doe eyes, his hair have soft curls. This was the very first time I noticed him from this close, even though I knew him from months.
His white perly teeths, in full display as he was laughing.

He is beautiful.

"I can't believe I have just done that" He said amused by his own self.

"You are quite an actor, I almost believed whatever you said to them" I said complimenting him.

"But you are a terrible one" He looked at me.

"I am offended"

"No, but your expressions are a dead give away"

I agree with him.

As we entered the Icecream shop, A group  consisting around five six people squealed in joy and rushed towards us.

"ISHAN KISHAN" one of them jumped in excitement.

"SHUBMAN Gill" another person chimed in.

"Omg omg omg Can we get your autographs" A girl with specs asked excitedly.

One of them took out a notebook from her bag, Ishan gave his autograph to all of them, and then I signed it as well.

After that, we all gathered for a selfie. Ishan and I are standing side by side, surrounded by  fans.

This is one of the best perks of being a cricketer in India, the kind of love and admiration you receive from your very own people is unmatched. You may have never met them, yet they still pray for you and wish for your success. It amazes me sometimes.

Ofcourse It has its downsides too but we are not going to talk about that right now.

After the pictures were done they said their good byes. On the counter I ordered  mixed fruit Ice-Creams for mom and Sheen and one vanilla for myself. "Which flavour do you like" I asked him as he was busy in his phone, texting someone.

"Ahh.. Mint chocolate chip" he said momentarily looking away from his phone.

"Seriously? That shit taste like toothpaste" I can't with people who like mint chocolate flavour.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Naah man it's the best Icecream flavour" and again got busy in his phone.

I reluctantly ordered mint chocolate chip flavour too. For him.

When we were returning, "Thank you so much Ishan for your help" I thanked him once again.

"What would you have done if I weren't here?"

I just shrugged, not knowing what I would have done without him.

When we start digging at our Ice creams, mom took out her phone and clicked a picture of us she even asked me to put my hand on Ishan's shoulder so she could get a desired picture of me and him.


  If only my future self had warned about this moment.

FAKE DATING MY TEAMMATE: An Ishman FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now