Chapter : 35

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"Today you dedicated your century to me

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"Today you dedicated your century to me."

"Did I?"

"Yes, you did."

"I can't recall anything."

"Shut up."

"Make me?"

And I did shut him up by putting my hand over his mouth. (Kiss Krna hota hain but you are dumb so It's okay😔)

As we both make our way toward the rooms, I turn towards him and say, "You know what? Darshan hired a bodyguard for me."

He doesn't look amused at all. "Yeah, I asked him to do so."



"But I don't need one. The security provided to the team is enough. I don't want to parade around with a bodyguard."

He put a hand on my shoulder and, with a dramatic tone, he speaks, "But what if someone kidnaps my boyfriend again?"

Okay, wait a minute. He just called me boyfriend. No, no, he just called me 'MY BOYFRIEND'. Should I just squeal out of happiness?

It's not like he's calling me "boyfriend" for the first time, but this time I am not the 'fake boyfriend' anymore. So lemme go just jskskkskskskskksks.

Ishan snaps his fingers in front of me. "What happened? Where did you get lost?"

I cleared my throat and shake my head because I gotta behave in front of my B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D. So, back to the topic. "You know he is weird. Like, he screamed when I screamed. And when I asked why he is wearing sunglasses at night, he literally replied with 'for the vibes'. Can you--"

A voice cut me off from behind. "Sir, I can very well hear you." It's him, the bodyguard.

I wasn't expecting him to be tailing us, and it catches me off guard, but I recover quickly. "So what? I didn't say anything wrong."

He gives me an uninterested look and takes off his sunglasses. Meanwhile, someone calls Ishan, so he leaves, and I completely turn toward the him and say, "I don't need a bodyguard, so you can go."

He furrows his eyebrows. "What? I mean, first you hire me and now you're saying you don't need me? This ain't fair."

"See, I didn't hire you. My manager did that without my permission, so it's not my fault," I counter.

His expression shifts from frowning to upset, and then he starts looking at someone. When I follow his gaze, I see the hotel manager standing there, talking with someone.

When I look back at him, he's giving literal heart eyes to the hotel manager.

"Uh, why are you looking at him like that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

FAKE DATING MY TEAMMATE: An Ishman FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now