Chapter 2

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I woke up in the bed of the van because the morning light that entered through the side door was pretty annoying. I noticed a metallic flavor in my mouth and I touched my lip, seeing blood in my fingers.

I propped myself up and cheeked my body looking for wounds. I was okay, better than okay. I had been getting in shape over the past few weeks but that was the next level. My shy abs had turned into a sculptural six-pack. I could see each muscle under my skin in each part of my body. And my arms, god with my arms.

After that first moment of admiring my new body, I noticed all the blood over it. The uncomfortable question appeared in my mind. Who was the owner of that blood? My kidnapper entered the van.

"Good, you're awake," he said while he was looking for things in a toiletry bag. I showed my hands covered in blood like a desperate request for answers. He looked at me and sighed. "You were hangry and I taught you how to haunt some rabbits. You aren't bad at catching them but you waste most of the good parts."

I let myself fall on the bed. "It wasn't a dream. I'm a werewolf," I said, trying so hard not to think that I had killed those poor creatures.

"This is not the terminology, but yes, you're a shapeshifter," he said, still looking in the bag.

"And are you who bit me last month? You are my alfa, aren't you?" I asked.

"Again, not the terminology, but yes." He took some shampoo and a towel. "C'mon, you need a shower." He said getting out of the van.

I got up noticing that I was naked.

"Ehh, you."


"Romulo, I'm... wait a second, is your name Romulo?"

He sighed again looking at me while I was trying to cover myself with the blanket. "Yes, it is."

"Sorry, but I'm naked."

He closed his eyes and snorted. "Yes, you're naked because you were impossible yesterday. Go to shower."

"But I'm naked," I said looking down.

"Fucking idiot," he muttered. "You fell asleep in your other form: I was who took you here, nuked. Can you fucking move your ass right now?" He yelled at me.

I put the blanket around my wrist and followed Romulo to the back part of the van. The two back doors were open showing two plastic deposits and some utensils under what I guess was the bed in the compartment. In the left door was a showerhead which Romulo was connecting to one of the deposits. Then he turned back and rolled his eyes to see me with the blanket covering my privates.

"There is little and it's cold, be quick. Here," he said, giving me a strange soap bottle in a foreign alphabet. "It doesn't smell well but it's really good to clean blood."

Then I stayed looking at him until he finally rolled his eyes again and went to the side of the van. The water was cold and the soap smelled like I was cleaning myself with bleach, and as far as I knew could be one of the ingredients.

"What's your complete name?" Romulo asked from the side of de van.

"Jonathan Thompson, but everyone calls me Jon," I answered. Meanwhile, the water finally changed from a reddish color to a normal one.

"Jonathan then. I need your password."

"What?" I asked. He showed my phone in the corner of the van. "I'm not giving you my password."

"I have to make a backup of your data. I don't have any interest in your boring private life."

I hesitate for a second but like the last day, I have an inner wish to do what he was asking me. "310115, the day we adopted my little sister." The sister who had warned me about the terrible idea of going to the party. Not for the reason she thought, but I should have paid attention. "I have to call my parents, they must be worried. Never have I spent the night away from home without calling."

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