Chapter 6

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My eyelids felt like 100 pounds. They closed themself, I wasn't able to keep them open. I finally let them take a nap. It would be great, I deserved that nap. The pain of the wound increased suddenly. I opened my eyes and saw Romulo's right hand pressing the towel on the wound.

"You have to keep it pressed. Healing a hearteater wound is slower than normal wounds but I will close."

I gathered strength and raised my hand. He grabbed it and pressed it against the towel. That hurt as hell. He returned to focus on driving and I looked at the trees passing at full speed. They must have been in a hurry.

"She looked nice," I babbled. My voice reminded me of a ghost, weak and almost lifeless. It should have scared me, but it didn't.

"They always do. But they usually have a nauseating essence. She must be able to hide it in some way. Fuck."

"Am I gonna die?" I asked. Not with fear, it was genuine curiosity.

"Not, of course not," he said and growled as if the question bothered him a lot.

"Are you being sincere?"

"What kind of question is this?" He yelled at me.

"A relevant one," I said. My head fell towards the window. All my remaining strength was concentrated on my arm.

"Shit, hold on a little more. We're close to a safe place," he said softening his voice. I was definitely going to die.

The fatigue and pain were taking my remaining strength. Even breathing was the hardest task in that state. I felt tempted not to do it anymore. But each time I gave up, my breath mixed with a whimper and for a short time I felt nothing. Not fatigue, not pain. It was at those moments when I could watch the views. We were in a beautiful place, with fields and hills as far as the eye could see. I could appreciate the view although it was bluer. Why the world was in such a hurry is a difficult question.

"..nathan...jona... Jonathan, are you listening to me?"

I looked at the guy driving the car. He looked hot with these tattoos and muscles all around although he was scruffy and worried. He must have had a bad day. "I need you to check the map."

He gave me some kind of guide, which has lived better days. The cover was yellowish and torn. There were marks and crayon drawings on the first white page. Some kid had enjoyed the book.

"Are you single?"

He sighed. "Page 67, there is a place marked in red. I need to know which road I have to take at the next intersection."

I opened the guide. The first pages were all letters but the next were maps of different parts of North America, although most of them didn't make sense. There were portions of land that didn't exist. All of them had their own border marked with blue and purple lines.

"How much do you pay for this?" I asked.

"Jonathan, focus."

"These maps are wrong. Someone scammed you."

"Jon, please," he begged me. "We don't have time to stop."

I felt pity for the poor scruffy guy. This was a terrible day for him for some reason. I focused my gaze and tracked the point in the map down. "Turn left."

"Are you sure?" he asked. I closed my eyes. I felt tired and I only wanted to take a short nap.

"Jon," the guy yelled at me while he lightly squeezed my arm. "Are you sure?"

I looked at the map again. "Yeah, turn left." He let me free and I rested my head again.

"I don't wanna be rude. But this is the worst date of my life," I muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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