Chapter 5

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He took the wheel this time. He looked at me with tired eyes like I was dreining all his energy like I was the fucking problem in all this. I wanted to yell and hit him like he deserved for being an asshole, but I wouldn't get anything. He was stronger than me, he had this point clear.

I was his, now my life was to be his subordinate. He was in control and I was nothing. I started to cry again, a quiet but hurtful cry. I felt so powerless.

"Jonathan, please. I don't want to. This is not how it should have been. I'm not trying to hurt you."

"I noticed that."

"I did what I did because I have to control your other nature. A newborn can be reckless and stubborn. You have to understand that we are in a hurry to get home," he said with a calm and monotonous tone. He tried to touch my shoulder. I moved again in part because of fear and in part because of anger. He sighed. "I'm trying to protect you."

I stayed quiet. He opened his mouth but he didn't say anything. He finally took a deep breath and he continued driving.


We were on the road for twenty more minutes until he parked in front of an old truck stop. The restaurant had lived in better times, the lighted signs were barely visible and the color of the walls was dull and worn. What I couldn't deny was that the smell that came from a near exhaust chimney was incredibly good.

"Let's go for breakfast," he said, stopping the motor.

"I'm not hungry," I said.

He laid in his seat and closed his eyes. We stayed quiet for several minutes until he finally opened his eyes and looked at me again.

"Hungry now?"

I opened my mouth in disbelief. "Have we been waiting here for minutes to see if I'd get hungry?"

He sighed. "No, we have stayed here waiting for your cub to start to piss you off enough to make you admit that you're hungry."

I pressed my hands against my face and took a deep breath. "You're the worst. I hate you, I really hate you." It wasn't anger or sadness in my words, only the most absolute weariness.

"Welcome to the club. I guess when we arrive home they would need a new place to fit all the new members."

I pressed my hands stronger. "Yeah, absolutely unbearable. I curse the day that I decided to follow you through the forest."

"I bit you a month before that," he said.

"I curse not having had a silver dagger to have stabbed you with."

"This is a myth, silver doesn't hurt us. The best is to cut off our heads, but with enough damage, we can die too."

I took my hands away from my face. I looked at him with a tired glance. "Good to know. I'm looking forward to trying it with you."

He smiled, not a grin not a sarcastic smile, he was holding back laughter. I crossed my fingers and put my hands over my forehead stretching the skin. "Oh my god, you're a fucking human. I thought that I had been traveling with a robot which had a stick inside of its ass."

Then he laughed, a loud laugh. I felt myself whimpering with pride in a low tone. I cleared my throat, but the feeling of pride didn't disappear.

"Do you wanna eat now?" he asked, still smiling.

I growled in agreement and finally, I took control over myself to say yes with a human voice.

We entered the restaurant. It was a long hallway with tables on the left side and a long bar on the right side. The place was empty with the exception of the waitress with the most eighties cliche uniform and someone in the kitchen who was frying something that smelled like happiness. Romulo took the tablet near the entrance of the restaurant. The waitress took two menus from the bar and came with us.

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