The Interview -Smut

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I touched up my makeup, it was quite simple; concealer, mascara, lipgloss, and a bit of blush. I was getting ready to interview Arctic Monkeys, which I was quite excited about. I pulled down my pencil skirt a bit and took a deep breath. I hate wearing pencil skirts but my manager said that that's the dress code so I kinda of had to wear it.

My assistant entered the room with the band, they all looked so good, they might just be the most attractive band in the whole world. I greeted them all and shook all their hands, but Alex caught my eye, he said 'Hi love' with a wink. His hand was bigger than mine but it just felt right in my hand.

"Do any of you need something to drink before we start?" They all replied with a no and sat down on the couch. I sat down on my very comfortable stool and crossed my legs. Alex was fixing his slicked-back hair, the way he did it was so hot, the way his big hands moved through his slicked-back hair and the way he combed and laid down his hair made me weak.

The camera rolled and I started by saying how nice it was to have them there. "So, you guys just ended the tour with a blast yesterday, what's the plan now?" Nick talked about how they probably would take a break but he wouldn't say why. "We did end it with a blast, didn't we? Were you there love?" My face got hot and I visibly blushed. "Yeah, I was" I flashed a smile trying to hide my blush, but Alex smirked so he probably saw the blush.

It was getting to the end of the interview but Jamie hadn't talked yet and I had clear instructions on how everyone had to talk. "So Jamie, there was an image of you and Katie with Katie having a bit of a bump, may I ask if she's pregnant?" I knew I shouldn't have asked that, it was a bad question but that's what my manager had written for me to ask. "What kind of question is that? If anyone's pregnant here then it's your fat ass" My eyes widened and we stopped rolling. I was kind of flabbergasted, but I tried my best to be nice while saying goodbye.

The others went to the car, and Alex stayed behind. "Do you have a mirror somewhere? My hair's kinda fucked" I told him where the restroom was and I began looking through the footage. I hoped, like really hoped that the editors would cut the clip out of Jamie.

Jamie's words were still stuck in my head. I looked into the window. For the first time I noticed my little pouch, I knew I had it but I didn't know it was this extreme. I also noticed how the fat on my legs touched, was this why my manager told me to wear a pencil skirt? I didn't blame Jamie for his words since I was kinda asking for it, but they still hurt.

"Hey," Alex's voice made me jump. I wasn't expecting him to come to me before going home, guess I was wrong. I turned around to see his hair as perfect as it was when he came here. "I'm sorry about Jamie, he's just very overprotective, not that it's an excuse" I smiled at him, it wasn't anyone's fault but my own. "It's not his fault, I shouldn't have asked that question" he chuckled a bit and agreed. "Still though, he shouldn't have said that, especially cause you look absolutely gorgeous" God this man had a flirtatious personality, it was driving me crazy.

"We're going to a bar tomorrow, I'll pick you up and I promise he'll apologize" Tomorrow I didn't have anything to do, but I didn't wanna ruin their night, especially cause Jamie probably hates me. "There's no need to" he rolled his eyes. "I simply can't go on with my life knowing one of my friends hurt someone as perfect as you" A blush rushed to my face once again. I swear he had made me blush more today than I have my entire life. I reluctantly agreed and he gave me his number so we could talk about the details. He then gave me a hug, which felt so comfortable I just wanted to stay like that, before leaving to join the others.


I looked fat in those pants. I needed to look perfect, for him, but also myself. I found a cute mini skirt that didn't make me or my thighs look big. I was finally at peace with everything, Alex was coming in 10 minutes so I quickly got my purse ready. I looked cute, and I was still comfortable, that was rare when it came to my outfits, normally I'd be uncomfortable in my outfits but I'd look great. I decided not to wear a jacket since it was quite warm outside.

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