I Was Only Pretending You Know pt. 2

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I knew I shouldn't have kissed him back, but I couldn't help myself, I missed him too much.

I leaned into the kiss and moved my arms around his neck. Shit I've missed this feeling. I could feel him smiling into the kiss, which made me smile. He pulled back and moved some hair behind my ear, making me blush.

"I knew you still loved me," He said with a smirk. I realised what I did, and needed to play it off the best I could. "Uhh, I don't" It was obvious I had lied, so his smirk didn't disappear.

"Why'd you kiss me back then?" He put a hand on my waist making me blush again. I stumbled over my words trying to devise a reason, but I couldn't. I gave up and let out a sigh.

"Come in," I said and began walking over to the couch. He followed close behind me and sat down beside me. I sighed before telling him everything that happened. I couldn't help but cry as I told him what happened, he didn't hesitate to pull me in for a hug and comfort me.

"I hate that girl to my core," He said as he caressed my hair. It didn't take long before I stopped crying, cause Alex was that good at comforting me.

"So do I. But there's nothing to do" I said and looked up at him. He looked down at me with his lips turned up in a smile. He looked amazing, even from this position.

"There must be something, I can't lose you" His hand moved to cup my cheek again, and I leaned into his touch.

"There's nothing to do" I had already given up, but he seemed determined to find a way.

"We could go to the cops?" He suggested. I laid my head down on his lap and he kept caressing my hair. I had already accepted defeat, but I didn't want to leave him.

"We don't have any proof" I heard him let out a sigh. He stopped caressing my hair and I looked up at him.

"I don't want to leave you, I love you, but we have no choice" I spoke softly. It was true, we really had no choice but to break up. The thought made my eyes fill with tears, but I didn't cry.

"We can date in private? We only have one year left at that school" He was dumb, people that date in private never last.

"We just need to accept it" He looked down at me as I said this. We spend the rest of the day in silence, just cuddling. It wasn't awkward, it was nice. But I knew this was the last time we'd be together so I took a bunch of pictures of us throughout the night. We fell asleep in each other's arms, probably for the last time ever.

Alex had gone home that morning so Mia wouldn't see us together, though she probably stalked us anyway. I decided to go to school today, just so I could get my life back on track, but it was hard. When my alarm clock woke me up I was close to staying in bed, but I had promised Alex to go to school today.

"Oh, good morning sweetie" My dad greeted me as he saw me come down from the stairs. Before I could say good morning back my mom spoke softly. "Are you going to school today?" I nodded slowly and sat down at the table.

My mom always made the best breakfast, and I knew she had made too much for just the two of them, so there had to be some for me. I had told them that me and Alex broke up cause things at his house were complicated, but that we still loved each other deeply. They had been very understanding and told me I could do whatever I wanted to help me through it.

They drove me to school, normally I would've been kind of embarrassed that my parents drove me to school, but right now I didn't care at all.

I felt eyes on me everywhere, from the school cafeteria to the classrooms. I bet Mia started some rumor about me, but I didn't really care, I only cared about Alex, and having to see him without being all over him was hard. He looked like shit, though better than yesterday; he had combed his hair and just had a grey hoodie and some sweatpants on, his acne was breaking out, probably from crying.

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