CHAPTER 3: Seven Lifes

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Aerum's Pov:

"Raven University"

As soon as Rim declared the place.. those screams for help..

painful cries.. and bodies drenched with blood.. everything.. each and everything which once used to be my nightmare.. a deadly nightmare.. starts flashing infront of my eyes..

The age at which teens enjoy their life peacefully.. having fun with their friends.. shopping, clubing, having a dayout, crushing over handsome boys, playing games during break, laughing their heads off over cheap jokes.... in that period of time.. our life was horrible.. dreadful.. every student's eyes were filled with nothing but fear.. none of us could do anything.. we were helpless.. none of us wanted to go to that university... but we were helpless.. nothing was in our hands.. nothing.

I came out of my thoughts not realizing that chief was calling me.. for god knows how long..

"Ms. Raven.. I understand if you aren't willing to participate.. your dad-" "Stop!.. I- I'll participate"

What he was saying huh.. what he think of himself.. why he thought just cause of dad I won't participate..?

Even if I never wanted to go in that hell again.. I'll go.. I can't let Rim go alone over there.. never ever.

"Aerum.. you sure want to go?" Rim said... concern with a hint of fear was visible in her big doe eyes..

"If you are sure then so am I" I said shrugging my shoulders as if I was actually sure.. but... nevermind!

"Okk then! All the best team AR!.. Make COPA proud!" there he goes! That's why I hate this bald man.. so annoying! All he thinks of is his damn organization!!..

"Thank you Sir! We'll get going now" said rim..

We bowed to the cheif and came out of his cabin..



We both were heading towards the parking... none of talked.. we both were quiet.. awkwardly silent.

'Should I speak something? Why isn't she talking? Did someth-'

"Are you out of your mind Aerum??!"

Finally.. she is back..

"Why the heck you agreed with case huh?! Did you forgot what happened years ago?? Speak up something you panda!" Is she blaming me now? I let out a sigh and was about to say something..

"Rim I- "


By the way she closed the door of the car.. her anger was visible..

"What are you angry for huh? You were the one to take this case then how I'm responsible alone??!" She pissed me now..

"That's what it was aerum.. i was only the one! You should have backed of.. why did you agreed on it?" Rim was angry cause she was worried...

"I can't let you go alone"... I heard rim letting out a heavy sigh..

"We can't back off now.. there's no point in arguing over this.. anyways..." she looks at me..

"Are you ready for that sh*t again Ms. Raven?"

I scoffed and chuckled.. that's how she is..

"I'm ready for each n every fu*king sh*t of that university Ms. Matthews"

I could feel a devilish feeling inside of me now.. excited to face my fear.. perhaps..


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