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This chapter will take you in that time when Rim's parents died.. and how this started and who was the root cause of this series of death

I hope you enjoy!~

Author's Pov:

The death of Carrie was a mystery to everyone.. no one knew how she died.. more likely everyone thought she disappeared all of a sudden..
Ella was most affected by all this.. she barely talked with anyone in the university..

[Before the death of Rim's parents]

COPA [Headquarter]
After a meeting

William's Cabin

"What are you even talking about William(Lucifer's dad)!!"Raphael (Rim's dad) growls over him

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"What are you even talking about William(Lucifer's dad)!!"
Raphael (Rim's dad) growls over him..

"How on the earth you thought we could do such thing for our own benefits??.. Killing many innocent lifes just for our success??.. I don't find this appropriate anyhow!"

William rolls his eyes annoyingly and holds him by his shoulder..

"What you want then..?? you heard what chief said in the meeting.. if we couldn't find any case anymore we will get terminated!!.. is that you want??.."

"So you'll kill humans for that!!!??" Raphael harshly pushed him back.. "You know what.. I won't do this.. I work with honesty.. and you.. are being selfish!.. what you think.. I don't know what you are upto lately.. You just want to takeover the position of chief.. no matter by which way"

William sighs and sat on the sofa..
"Don't you want a promotion??.. until when you'll keep serving??.. and no one will die Raphael.. believe me!"

Just then a scoff was been heard.. he turns around to see Riel(Rim's Mom) standing on the doorstep.. she passed through Raphael and stands in front of William.

"What are you here for Riel?" William asks lazily..
"I regret giving you the custody of that innocent girl William.." she throws few documents on his face..

"This is why you wanted to her adopt her??.. to do this freaking experiments..!!?" She spats in rage..

"She is my daughter.. I can do whatever I want.. who the f*ck are you to tell me-"

"Language William Windsor!!.. You hold no rights to raise your voice on my wife!.. and if you have that bad memory.. let me remind you.. She was the one who fought for the girl you are calling as daughter.. She was the one to give you that little child's custody..and she.. could take that every right you are claiming in a second.. and could put you behind bars for using a kid for such stupid psychological experiments not forgetting about your filthy thought of killing.. so you better watch your tone in front of her.."
Raphael let goes the collar he was grabbing till now..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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