
15 6 14

(TW) miscommunication, anxiety, feelings of unworthiness

The sea was wide and empty. Sometimes we could see sea creatures burst through the surface and splutter like a fountain of gold. The sun bounced off the rippling water and made it shimmer like my scales -bright and almost iridescent. The wind whipped through our hair and carried the scent of the sea. It smelled salty, yet sweet and almost tangy and crisp.

Denki played one of his many instruments. He called it a liar and for a second I wondered what strife he had with a voiceless instrument, then he explained to me that it was a Lyre, not a liar. I was still... a little confused. It played a beautiful melody though! It sang across the sea and filled our boat with a boisterous light. 

Denki had magic, I had realized, but it was seemingly connected to his instrument. I didn't know the full extent of his abilities, all I knew was the air around him seemed to glow in a vibrant golden light as soon as he started playing -like even Amaterasu was listening and blessing him with the power of the sun for just a fraction of a minute. The light had a way of calming us, making every worry seem ephemeral. He sat on top of some wooden barrels in the corner of the boat, strumming at gentle cords as Jiro and Sero were hard at work. Mina tried to help them for a while, but the two worked like a well-oiled machine, and adding Mina into the mix was like adding a gear that wasn't supposed to fit. So eventually she just gave up and came to relax with the rest of us.


It was late afternoon now and I'd learned many things. At first, I was under the impression that we'd be heading straight for the elven Kingdom, Irazu, but apparently, we were to make a pit stop in the town of "Penrith" along the way. According to Prince Todoroki, this was because Ahmya was last seen there, and the prince had a companion who may know a few things about both Bakugou and Ahmya's trek. I didn't complain, after all, the more information we had, the better off we were. Especially with what was at stake. Penrith wasn't that far, six hours by foot, and four by sea. We would be arriving at the quaint fishing town around noon, which was bound to be any moment now -seen as how high the sun sat in the sky.

I finally stopped leaning on the rail of the ship and looked around at my companions. Jiro was behind the wheel, as she had been since our departure. Sero was running around like a wild man, pulling on strings, climbing ladders, and positioning the flags. He was strong, that much was made obvious. Then there was Mina, who had gone under the deck in order to find us a bunk or room to stay in and also in hopes of messing around in the kitchen or "looking at potential meal plans" as she had called it. Denki was still perched on some crates, except now he was doing some silly half-assed jig; to which he almost tumbled off the crates and into the ocean, but luckily, only resulted in a mess that he was scolded for by Jiro. 

I guess that leaves Todoroki. 

I wasn't sure where he had gone off to, I had been so captivated by the sea that I had stopped paying attention to everyone else -but I didn't see him above deck so that must have meant he was below. Either that or he'd gotten so annoyed with Denki's singing that he'd decided to throw himself overboard. I chuckled a little at the thought. However, the lack of the prince's presence pulled my attention from the sea completely. Somehow, he seemed to be more captivating than the wondrous views of crystal water. My mind would always stray back to him.

I walked in wonder around the ship and looked at all the gadgets I knew I could not touch, yet yearned to give even the slightest tap. The wood under my feet was sturdy yet worn, and the boat felt alive. As if it too had scared skin that telt vast tales of its journeys and voyages. I could almost believe it lived and breathed with the same heart and soul as Captin Jiro and Sero. They all moved in harmony, in tandem, like they were powering a body with the work of many hands. As if one of them could inhale and it would fill the lungs of the other two. It almost felt like magic. Like a soul had been taken from one and split into three. It filled me with a childlike wonder.

Phanes (Fantasy Todoroki x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now