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hi hi!! <3

i wanted to start off by saying that i did originally plan to have many more chapters, but i couldn't find it in me to write anymore (i struggled writing even the last one lol). not only have i lost motivation but also i have sm going on in my life rn :/ i'd rather complete & end the book here rather than be uncertain about when i would've updated again

i'm also not going to lie i kinda drifted away from itzy but they still hold a special place in my heart! they were one of the first girl groups i actually tried to stan back when i first got into kpop :')

so, with that i would like to say thank you for this little journey of mine! <3 it was loads of funnn, i wish i could've written more :/

with that being said, we've reached the end of this book. i really hoped each and every one of you enjoyed reading and thank you for all the comments and votes :3

until next time,

aerivhn. ♡︎


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