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Hermione was making her way to the stairs leading to her Dorm when Harry spotted her. "you ok Hermione?" He asked noticing her shaking legs. "huh? oh.. yeah heheh i just ran here from the library since it's almost curfew." she said awkwardly laughing and made her way up to her dorm to take a shower.

after her shower she layed down on her bed and started to reading when someone knocks gently. "COME IN!!" said Hermione. Harry then walks in and sat on the end of Her bed. " hey mione..." . "you need anything harry?" asked Hermione "nothing just... making sure your ok." said Harry rubbing the back of his neck. "don't worry Harry im alright just a bit... busy with studying. you know me!" said Hermione reassuringly "ok so if you're really sure... ima head to the great hall, see you in dinner" and when Harry left, Hermione sat on her bed thinking 'i think i like Harry but i also like Draco what am i gonna do?' Hermione sighs and went down to the great hall and she spotted Harry and Ron. she went over and sat in between them "hey guys! wassup!" said Hermione giggling 'Hermione looks so cute when she's giggling. i think i've fallen for her..' Harry thinking to himself. after dumbledor's anouncement Hermione felt someone staring at her. she looked around and spotted Draco smirking at her she felt a little blush appear and Draco spotted her blushing and winked, that made Hermione blush harder and she turned away to finish her dinner. "you ok mione you look like a tomato?" said Harry rising his eyebrows. "..nothing hehe" said Hermione giggling. after dinner the golden trio went back to the common room. "who wants to play truth or dare?" asked George and Fred loudly "you guys wanna play?" asked Harry to Hermione and Ron "sure!" said Ron and Hermione in unison. then they all formed a circle in the common room floor "ok who wants to start?" asked Fred "how about Hermione?" "ok then Ron truth or dare?" asked Hermione ginning "hmm... truth!" said Ron a bit nervous "ok.. whats your darkest secret noone knows?" Hermione asked Grinning widely

"uhm.....well i snogged Lavender Brown..ig" Said Ron nervously. they all laughed and the game continued "ok Hermione Truth or Dare?" asked Fred Grinning like an idiot "hm...DARE!" said Hermione confidently "ok.. i dare you to play 7min in heaven with Harry!" Said Fred grinning "WHAT!!!" Screamed Hermione "DO IT ITS A DARE!" said Fred half screaming "FINE!" then Hermione pulls Harry to a closet and closes the door "ok now wha-" Hermione was cut off by Harry kissing her! "sorry... i couldn't hel-" then suddenly Hermione grabbed on Harry's collar and kissed him back after 7 mins of making out. "ITS OVER 7 MINS IS OVER!" screamed Fred and George. they both walked out in a mess "sheeesh, well we all better get to bed see you lovebirds tomorrow" said Fred winking to Hermione, then they all went back to their dorms. 

(a/n) ok sorry i haven't updated in a while i've been busy with school and upcomming exams ill try to update as much as i can hope ya'll like this story so far. soon ill also make a Draco x reader story hopefully.

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