𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿, 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱.

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Aria and the rest of the team were coming up with ideas on how to stop the witches and Sebastian. Aria was still worried about Conner but she decided not to push it so far anymore and let him come to her.

"We find them, kill them, and go have a cold one," Conner suggested making everyone look at him

"Hot take," Jinx remarked to the boy

"We're not doing that," Rachel stated in response

"I am done playing demon rescue-and-rehab, this bitch killed my dad and put a snake up my guts and it's time for her and the kid to go bye-bye," Conner seethed to the group

"She's on high alert, it's too dangerous and we need to find a way to bring Sebastian back without a head-on battle," Aria reminded her nephew

"There's an old saying, Richard, he, who doesn't learn from history is a fucking moron and If we killed him when we had the chance, we'd all be in the RV heading to 'Frisco right now," Conner stated before Gar shook his head

"Don't call it 'Frisco," Gar corrected his friend

"We don't kill people, Conner and we're not murderers," Aria stated to the boy

"Got it, except for all the people you've murdered, the ones you burned alive in the asylum, which caused this whole mess in the first place," Conner reminded with a scoff

"That was different," Rachel stated before Conner cut her off

"Hey! I'm not complaining. shit happens and sometimes, people die, it's not always a bad thing," Conner rambled on

"We're not killing Sebastian," Aria scolded Conner

"Even Bruce figured it out, eventually, do you know how many people The Joker killed since Batman bashed his head in? Zero, I like that kind of math," Conner remarked with a smile before walking out

Aria sighed before burying her head into her hands, she knew that he was taking it hard but she hated how he was starting to sound like Lex now. Aria had walked up to him as he was working, Conner gave a small smile before she crossed her arms.

"I gotta be honest, Conner, I'm starting to get a little concerned about you," Aria admitted as she walked up to him

"Why? 'Cause I'm winning so hard?" Conner asked as she rolled her eyes

"Leather jacket, the bald head, I get it, you're changing, you're growing, that's all good but just trust me, you don't want it to happen too fast," Aria explained some more

"Well, you know what, I'd say it's happening just in fucking time, Rachel's useless, Gar's losing his mind, Kory's blue-thing, inconsistent at best, and, Tim, well, he can't do anything at all if I were you, I'd stop worrying about my best player and just take the win," Conner ranted to his aunt

"You're not the only one to ever have to go through this, Me, Kory, Rachel, Gar, we've been there and we've all had to fight a battle with our dark side," Aria tried to convince some more

"This isn't my dark side and this is the side that's looking out for me, maybe that's why you don't like it," Conner spoke in a dark tone

"If we're done here, we'll be in the lab setting up a way to bring Sebastian back and we could use your help," Aria spoke before he scoffed as she walked away

They had walked out, and Dick and Aria shared a look before going on to work. Dick had started telling everyone what they should do before going to walk out but Aria followed him. She was nervous about having this talk but she understood that it was important to have.

"Dick, wait! This prophecy, I don't know. I have a really bad feeling about tonight," Aria admitted to her boyfriend

"If you're asking if I believe in that? No, I don't," Dick stated as she nodded

"Well, it's hard to dismiss, isn't it? Everything else is coming true," Aria spoke before he cupped her face

"To hell with prophecies and destinies, and visions. Aria, you said it yourself, Kory had more visions than anyone and none of them have come true," Dick stated before she sighed

"There's one more that Kory told me about, You and me and a little girl holding a red balloon, why didn't you tell me?" Aria asked with a deep breath

"I don't know," Dick admitted to his girlfriend

"It's okay, it's like you said to hell with visions," Aria stated before walking off

The mission did not go so well as Jinx was killed and Sebastian completed the ritual, Gar had gotten them out of there before they could all be killed next. The team knew that it was only going to get worse from that moment.


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