Chapter Two

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Sebastian scratched the back of Benedict's neck tenderly before taking a firmer grasp and pulling Ben's face closer to his; as if they could get any closer. He kept his mouth tight against Ben's lips for as long as he could hold his breath. His other arm had been trailing along Ben's leg but he wrapped it around Ben's back now so that he could flip their positions. He kept one arm around Ben's back and the other he placed beside Ben's head. He put all his weight onto Benedict and kissed him like it was their first kiss. But really this kiss was one of millions and they had been together for months and for the first time, they were just about to... Sebastian opened his eyes slightly but the light outside them was too bright for him to manage. After a minute of adjusting to it he found himself waking up on the floor of the Arid Crypt, his favorite tavern in the city. Oh, it was just a dream. He thought to himself as he looked around. Aw man, it was just a dream. He was a little disappointed as he started dragging himself up off the ground and as he found his bearings he stared off in confusion. What as the dream even about? He did not have much time to ponder as he had to be making his way to morning training with the other knights. His thoughts trailed to seeing Benedict but he made no connection between his friend and the dream; the latter already forgotten.

Benedict kept checking himself over to make sure his armor was on correctly. This morning's practice would focus on grappling. The last training session ended with a nasty bruise on his shoulder blade and calf; he'd rather not repeat that. Sometimes these practices could get rough, mostly when he got paired with someone who would not back down. Benedict was not a quitter; he pushed until his opponents had had enough. And so, he mentally prepared himself for another brutal day. While the other knights prepared, out of the corner of his eye, Benedict saw Sebastian trailing up to the training grounds. He stretched out his legs and ran over to meet him. He smiled, "Hey, Bash! Where were you last night? I checked your room, but you were gone. Was hoping to practice a little more before today, make sure we were up to the task of beating these folks. All good though, we'd do fine without it anyways." Benedict wrapped his arm around Sebastian's shoulder, "You ready to kick some ass?"

Sebastian stopped walking as Benedict approached him and dramatically shut his eyes in response to his friends unyielding chatter. Benedict always had so much energy first thing in the morning, Sebastian would never understand how. "Oh man you came looking for my company last night? And couldn't find me? It's like you don't even know who I am. I was at the Crypt, entertaining the womenfolk of this town, obviously." Sebastian tired to roll his eyes for dramatic effect but still found it was too bright outside and kept squinting instead. He threw an arm around Benedict's waste in response to the arm around his shoulders. "Well, I'm ready as hell to kick your ass."

Benedict shook his head. "Sorry, brain must've been a little fuzzy. I had a lot on my mind last night." He glanced up as the knights assembled into small groups, pairing people off. "I assume we're starting together?" He let go of Sebastian and motioned for him to follow. He stopped at a spot several yards from the others, where the walls surrounding the field provided the smallest bit of shade. The ground was soft from the previous day's rain, something that may prove to be an obstacle if they come across a significantly damp spot. Benedict was not worried, however. That was the fun part; learning to move around those types of hurdles was a part of the process. He got into the beginning stance and assessed his opponent, trying to pick out any weak points to start. Sure, he might've felt a little cocky after realizing Sebastian may be slow from his night outing, but it did boost his confidence that he may win. "I'm ready when you are."

Sebastian followed benedict to his chosen section of the sparring grounds. The grounds all muddy, time to act like pigs. Benedict took a stupid ready stance that he believed he was pulling off perfectly. Sebastian stood in front of him with his sword limp in his hands. All of the other knights always took his improperness on the field to mean he'd be easily beaten, even his best friend. But that was hardly ever the case. He took a sloppy step towards Benedict. "I'm sorry you couldn't find me last night. Maybe you can try again tonight..." Another step. "We can cuddle up together in my quarters." Sebastian swung low Benedict knees. Let the chaos begin.

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