Chapter Four

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Viola swung open the study doors, not bothering to knock before entering. The room was empty, apart from an older girl sitting at the far side. "Beatrice! You don't happen to be waiting on me, do you?" Viola joked.

"Why would I be? Of course, I wanted to sit here for two hours with the tutor in silence, awaiting your arrival. It's not like I scheduled this whole session just for you." Beatrice shot Viola an aggravated look. She had a book in her hands, which she carefully sat on a side table before shooting up from her seat and crossing the room to stand in front of Viola.

"You know good and well what time you were supposed to meet me here. This was for you, not for me! I swear, you manage to evade every lesson I plan for you!" She folded her arms, "This can't keep happening, Viola. You are almost of age and need to act properly. It is vital to our kingdom that the next in line be educated, and you aren't taking that seriously."

Viola fiddled with her hands, "Beatrice, I don't think this is all necessary. This studying is excessive; I bet if you asked Otto, who, mind you, is the heir to the throne, how much studying he did, he'd say less than half of what you're requiring of me," she retorted. "I need a break, and you do too. You're getting flustered with all of this, scheduling this and that. I don't think you understand the toll this is taking on us both."

Beatrice shook her head, "No, you don't understand that in a few years, we both will be back home in Raeveth and need to know how to rule. That requires knowledge; knowledge I am handing to you on a silver platter! I get the best tutors in the kingdom to teach you, but you know what you do? You brush them off to goof off and do God knows what else. Do you know how many people would kill to get the education I am trying to give you?" Beatrice asked scornfully.

"But what if I don't want it? It isn't right to force me to do this. Why can't I have the freedom to do what I want? I didn't ask to be born a princess."

"You were born a Westbrooke Viola, so you must act like one. There's no escaping your role. Stop acting like a child and accept your position in this family." Beatrice loomed over her sister, causing Viola to shrink back. "I will not let my sister end up at the bottom of the barrel simply because she would not try. Tomorrow at dawn, you will be back in this study until the sun goes down, whether you like it or not."

Viola searched Beatrice's face, finding only anger and disappointment. She hung her head and looked the other way, not saying another word. She gave a slight nod to show she acknowledged her sister's order.

Beatrice smiled and patted her sister's cheek. "Good, I'm glad we've finally agreed on something." She swept a stray lock of hair behind Viola's ear. "I'll see you at noon for dinner." At that, Beatrice strode past her sister and out the door, shutting it behind her and leaving Viola alone.

Viola didn't move; it was like she froze in place. The conversation continued reeling in her mind as she tried to make sense of what was said. She didn't want anything to do with Raeveth; God, she didn't want anything to do with any kingdom at all. Why couldn't her sister see that? It was Beatrice's job to take over, not hers. Why force Viola to learn if she was never going to rule?

She finally sank to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. Bullshit, she thought pitifully. Now, she'd have to sit in this stuffy room tomorrow and listen to a guy drone on about politics, geography, and mathematics. She should've appreciated her village outing a little more when she had the chance.

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