Chapter Five

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As Otto was walking back to his chambers, he was already undoing the straps to some of his armor. He had locked his room when he left since Castellan was still sleeping and found it still locked, hoping Castellan was still inside. When he entered he locked the door behind him and gently set some pieces of his armor he had already removed onto the floor. Castellan was still asleep in the bed. Otto climbed onto the bed slowly but enough to wake Castellan. "Cassie..."

Castellan opened his eyes enough to see Otto and smiled at him, then he noticed the chainmail he was wearing and the few bits of armor strapped on. "Oh, I need to get you ready for tra-"

"It's already over."


"I just got back from training."

"Well why didn't you wake me? I should've put on your armor and gone with you and taken your armor off afterwards."

Otto put a still gloved hand on Castellan's chest. "We had an early morning, you were tired and I know you always do it but I do know how to put on my own armor. Besides, you can still help me take it off."

Castellan was not upset in the slightest anymore. He grabbed the gloved hand on his chest and pulled the glove off then pulled the glove off the other hand after Otto offered it to him too. Castellan was used to getting Otto's armor on and off quickly and he loved to showcased that skill. The chainmail hit the floor with such a loud sound that both men stopped to laugh.

As Castellan pulled off Otto's last layer of shirt, Otto begin working at the knot of rope looped in Castellan's pants and Castellan did the same for Otto's. Once free of the last bit of cloth Otto pushed Castellan back down on the bed. As their heads hit the pillows, they were already kissing. Otto had his left arm behind Castellan's neck and the other holding the boy's face. Castellan's own hands were holding onto Otto's back, scratching him slightly here and there. Otto finally sat up, pulling Castellan onto his lap.

Castellan pushed his fingers through Otto's hair. His breath was starting to pick up as Otto moved his hips beneath Castellan. He leaned his head into Otto's neck and dug his fingers into Otto's back as the physical tension built up.

Otto had one hand around Castellan's back, holding him in his lap, and the other squeezing Castellan's outer thigh. His own breath was starting to pick up too. His body was tired. He spent three hours hunting and another hour at training and it wasn't even quite midday yet. Just a little more physical excursion for a very relaxing feeling, then he could lay down with Castellan and not move for hours. Otto could feel Castellan's body tightening up and knew they were almost done. He ran his hand up Castellan's thigh, massaging as he went.

They finished at the same time. That did not always happen but it was more fun for them both when it did. Castellan hugged Otto tightly and Otto hugged him back. They were both breathing hard but when they met each other's gaze they were both smiling. Castellan kissed him a little more before nuzzling his head in Otto's neck.

Otto cradled Castellan as he directed them back down to the pillows. They laid on their sides, facing each other. Otto wrapped his arm around Castellan's back and Castellan cuddled in close to Otto's chest. Otto used his leg to bring a blanket up close enough for him to reach then pulled it over their waists. They were a little messy, but mostly tired. We'll bathe after a nice nap.

Castellan was not quite as tired as Otto since he had already taken a nap and it was not like he had to train with a bunch of knights. He watched as Otto quickly fell asleep. They're legs were tangled together and both of Otto's arms were stretched out, one under Castellan's head and the other around his back. Castellan was already as close to Otto as he could get but he wanted to be closer. He kissed Otto's chest and before long felt his eyelids get heavy.

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