Chapter 15 - Ruza's Papa Candidates

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~ Zander ~

It's been two weeks since that day when I kissed her but oddly, the warmness of those lips is still fresh as if I can't ever get rid of that lively feeling she gave me, it felt like I was breathing again which wrenched my soul, scared my heart to ...

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It's been two weeks since that day when I kissed her but oddly, the warmness of those lips is still fresh as if I can't ever get rid of that lively feeling she gave me, it felt like I was breathing again which wrenched my soul, scared my heart to beat again and to cloud my judgment again just because she has the power to make me feel everything that I have renounced in these five years. 

I don't want to be weak again.

"Bro, do you want me to feed you?"

My eyes snapped at Venice who was casually eating his breakfast while my plate was intact as I didn't even touch my food yet

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My eyes snapped at Venice who was casually eating his breakfast while my plate was intact as I didn't even touch my food yet.

"Martha, bring some bell peppers, please".

I frowned as Martha, listening to him brought roasted bell peppers which he immediately put into my plate and sat back with a playful glint in his eyes.

"C'mon eat, it must be your favorite food, right?"

I rolled my eyes as he just shrugged back into his place.

"Duh, you already have a bitter tongue so eating more spice is a must for you, don't you think?"

"I mean you must need your boost as your tongue needs to be on fire all the time".

"Venice!" I roared, hitting my hand on the table.

He immediately raised both hands and put a hand over his mouth making a fake pout.

"Oops, Zander is pissed again. I am so scared, oh lord please save me from his wrath and save my dick too because I believe it'll shrink too by his evil eyes".

I just stepped out to leave knowing my little brother has a habit of irritating me with his foul mouth. 

"Easy escape I see".

He mocked as I grabbed his neck, only to notice his eyes were getting so sore at me that I just released him knowing he has every right to be mad at me. 

"What the fuck do you want?"

I asked crossing my arms as he just sighed. 

"Simran, I want her back here so I am just asking you to not upset her again".

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