(4) Ande: A Dangerous Dance

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What happened to Ruka is the question we really came here for. Unless every missing Sandsinger is dead, there's clearly been a schism in the group. Devir didn't have good things to say about Makeba's handling of the Sandsingers and their mission in general, and he can't be the only one. Not if Neem's gone, and if Makeba doesn't seem the least bit bothered by his absence.

And because I don't—can't—believe Ruka and Keshko would both die so easily, I need to figure out what happened without asking directly, in case asking directly doesn't go well. Makeba knows I get along with the two, at least, which means I have some opening to ask about them before it gets suspicious.

I cast a careful glance around the group. "Is that gossip that Ruka brought back? Or is she out investigating right now?"

Makeba's expression shadows immediately. This may not be something I should ask in front of the other Sandsingers, but they're not all hanging around anymore. The tough man still is. So is the newer woman. The other Sandsingers have drifted off to other tasks. It's only by looking around that I spot a silver tail in the corner of my vision. One of the silver sisters—I can't tell which one in the dark—has taken up a seat at the edge of the clearing. From her lack of motion, I suspect she's watching this exchange.

"No," signs Makeba coolly. "Ruka did not bring back that news."

I need another ally in this. My mind snags the young woman, whose continuing presence could mean any number of things. I let my eyes stray to her when Makeba looks in another direction. The girl is already hovering, and her hands curl together when I glance at her. I can't tell if it's self-consciousness, and if so, what kind.

"I'm sorry," I sign to Makeba, and pretend to mean it. "I know you two worked together for... a long time."

I'm probing different angles. This naive one annoys Makeba, and I clench one fist at my side to keep from reaching for my dagger.

"Oh, she's not dead," signs Makeba. Her lights have darkened to an ominous shade of blue. "We would have less trouble if she was dead."

I feign meekness: I'm a friend of some of her group members, upset to find them missing after moons away. "And Keshko?"

"I could ask you that."

I've pushed my luck too far. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean."

"I was expecting to find them here. I don't know what you're talking about."

Makeba looks at me for a long time. My heart is pounding almost out of my chest. The irrational part of me thinks she must be able to feel it—Sar could. But that's a shark thing. I just find it hard not to think of Makeba as a shark when she looks so dangerous.

My bias.

I use the moment to send another glance towards the young woman. She hasn't left yet.

"Come with me," signs Makeba abruptly. The other Sandsingers startle backward as she spins around. "The rest of you, get back to work. And you." Taiki freezes as her eyes pin him. "Stay here. I need a word in private with your... friend."

The pause is deliberate. Taiki flinches. I don't. He looks to me, intensely worried, but I think I can handle this. I still don't believe Makeba will hurt me. And if I'm wrong and all else fails, I'm not opposed to fighting. And so I meet Taiki's eye and shake my head. He hugs himself and retreats to a shadowy part of the camp wall, within jetting distance of the exit. He's unarmed, but I've seen him fight. I feel safe enough leaving him here.

I follow Makeba.

She takes a familiar route. Now my body remembers better than I do, and my anxiety returns to me. I'm not about to let it show, though, so I keep pace with Makeba all the way to the hollow in the rock below Chura's eye. We pull up with a sharp flick of our tails that spins us around one another before she can get a lock on me.

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