Chapter11: It hurts.

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He sat upright tearing off the seal to see what was inside. His heart drummed wildly in his chest,he was scared of the unknown,he didn't know why but he removed two medical reports and upon reading the contents,he felt being betrayed,cheated and lied.

He couldn't believe that his beloved wife could do such a thing,she was too innocent to such a cruel thing but the report was before his eyes. A man rarely cries since most of the time they keep things to themselves but a tear slid down his face with hurt visible on his face.

When he heard footsteps of his wife,he discreetly replaced back everything to it's original place and covered his head with the duvet pretending to be sleeping.

He was never given a chance to become a father,his only chance was taken away by the so called loving wife, maybe his mother was right about Lydia when she didn't acknowledge their marriage.

That day he pretended to be okay but he wasn't, even when his wife served him food,he felt his hands shaking, Lydia questioned him but he lied between his teeth. He didn't want to expose himself like I found out the truth. The explanation wasn't needed at all .

Feeling suffocated,he came up with the excuse of visiting his mom to calm down ,he now believed that cheating and lying isn't mistakes but the all crap is well planned. If it was a game,it was well played,he has been living in a life full of deceit,so all these years she was just putting on a facade in front of him.

He was building a mansion for her hoping to surprise her but now it seemed like he did everything for nothing. Was he at fault for building a mansion without telling her or his wife who had turned out to be a murderer.

Josh snapped out of his reverie when his phone chirped in his pocket. Seeing the number on his screen,he was caught off guard.

Melissa woke up with a gloomy look on her face complaining how her husband snores every night almost giving her a heart attack. The nights have been sleepless, felt fatigue in her body.
This made her so concerned about her health,she didn't want to die yet because of a man who couldn't let her sleep peacefully.

Lydia was in a merry mood,she was humming one of Rema's love melodies. The red dress she was wearing complimented her looks since she was light skinned.
She brought a small mat and Sat on it besides Melissa who was dozing off.

Tapping on her shoulder, Melissa fell from the verandah screaming " why the hell would you do that? ,I almost had a heart attack."

" Am sorry but why do you have those panda eyes ,I mean it's kinda of scary." Lydia apologized inquiring what happened to Melissa.

" It's all my husband's fault,do you know that he snores every single night,and this is the after effects." Melissa explained with frustration on her face. Lydia just burst into a fit of laughter like what Melissa said was the funniest joke.

" I thought you would sympathize with me because am your friend, but all you did was to make fun of me,I should never confide in you again with my problems." Lydia angrily said standing up. The went back into her house making Lydia wonder if it was a big deal.

" Ouch!, it hurts please help me ,but why on earth would I live every single day suffering from so much pain,I would to also be like other children out there who play,study without worrying about getting sick."
Tina said sobbing.

For the last eight years,she has been living in agony whenever her sickness relapses. Today she might be okay but the next morning you could get to find out that she's sick. The poor girl's life is full of misery and to make things worse,her parents don't have money to provide the necessary treatment.

Christie uses wild herbs to give Tina,as a mother she loves her children equally and it frustrates her whenever her daughter cries out due to pain. She wonders if it was really a terrible decision to get married again.

" My dear! ,you will be okay, though life throws us difficult situations we should always have hope hmm ." Christine comforted Tina using a warm cloth to wipe her body. They were already in a situation where they couldn't have a proper meal,so what a bout the medicine which was expensive.

Joseph the irresponsible husband and father only knew where to have his drink instead of taking his daughter to the hospital. But this nolonger makes news to Christie since he left her six hundred shillings yet her labor was due. And guess what?,he came back for the five hundred and left her with only one hundred.

Her daughter's health has been on and off as a result of poor nutrition during her pregnancy and leftovers she ate to survive. This all added to constant sickness Tina was having. How do you expect to have a healthy baby when even before birth she starved,fed on leftovers and other things that aren't recommended for pregnant ladies.

Problems kept on piling on her shoulders,the children were already chased out of school because they were defaulters and now Tina was sick.

Aubrey silently cried seeing her sister in agony,they had already spent two weeks at home without going to school yet the exams where around the corner. She asked herself whether her sister would ever live like normal children,will their situation change someday.

She aimlessly walked to Rubaga cathedral and pray to the mighty if he could atleast elevate their situation. It was really too much for them to handle,it seemed as if they made a convenant with the devil to entirely suffer in this lifetime.
Though she was still young,she had already tasted the bitterness of this world.

That's why there's a saying people come into this world wailing and then leave unsatisfied with the way they lived their lives. In her peripheral view,she saw a child walking besides her parents holding shopping bags with smiles blooming on their faces.

She envied such a loving family that would be able to provide anything to their child but for them,they had to do chores for the neighbors to get some money.

Poverty is like a lingering spirit following you wherever you go, even if you try your level best to escape from it's crutches but things still don't change even a single bit. Let's have a look at a certain scenario, some people wake up before dawn to prepare themselves a head of the day to work their butts off but at the end of the day,they come back with nothing.

Yet someone just leisurely stays in the comfort of his/her home and uses brains to elevate their situation. This makes me really doubt if some people are just cursed from the generation of their ancestors to live in poverty until their generation.

Aubrey sat under the palm tree with tears brimming in her eyes,she doesn't want others to know how badly their situation is,she didn't want others to sympathize with them. She believed that telling others how you grew up in a chaotic melodramatic family was an excuse , some people always keep telling others their problems not knowing that they're being mocked.

Sometimes it's best to have privacy, it's not right to go tell people how poverty stricken your family is but look for ways to get out of the situation.

When she calmed down,she footed back home putting the current situation at the back of her head.

Maverick heard from the maid last night that his mother was back from the trip,the most surprising thing was that she had gone to Kenya, whenever this country was mentioned,it kinda of brought a mysterious feeling in his heart. He didn't know the reason behind it but left everything in the hands of fate.

He picked up his phone from the night stand and saw a text message sent from Josh with a photo tagged on it. He leaned on the headboard to open the message. The mere glimpse of the picture made his heart skip a beat. The lady in the photo had grown into a beautiful woman over the years.

He regretted not waiting for her,she regarded him as her everything but what did he do?,he fell in love with someone else who had turned his life upside down like fans of arsenal. He had just dialled josh's number when a knock came on his door.

" Come in"

He said putting on his shirt,Mary entered with a glass of lukewarm water and handed it to Maverick. She was dressed in a lemon green dress with her hair tied into a bun. Her presence exuded elegance and an intelligent lady when it came to business and socializing.

She took a seat opposite her son intently glancing at him, Maverick who had just sipped on the water choked on it feeling his mother's gaze. She handed him a tissue saying " take it slow , it's not as if am gonna bite you."

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