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"Colby..." Dani watches him walking towards a door, "How old are you?" She asks as he walks face into the door, "You're not dead."

"It's Jim Hogg's room." Chris reads the name above the door.

"Who's that?"

"I dunno... It says his name on the top." Chris points out for him so they all laugh.

"We got a Big D. We got a Jim Hogg." Nick names then men they have come across.

Matt find the knocker on the wall and plays with it while his brothers tell him to stop, "I've never seen a knocker on a wall." Dani looks at it as he keeps playing with it.

"I like playing with knockers." Sam says making Dani look at him.


"If it takes a lot of effort to get into somewhere, I don't think that's somewhere I need to be." Nick says about the door and the knocker.

"We have a bad reputation of breaking into places." Sam turns the camera to himself.

"Ooh, Nick look it. So many men over there." Chris points out the hall of paintings.

"You need to stop with this immediately."

"Let's rate them one through ten." He adds.

"Is this a pick on Nick video?" Dani laughs as they all make their way over.

"Exactly!" He shouts, "And I don't want their ghosts to be made at me like in an hour."

Nick picks Dan Moody as the most attractive one and they agree he's the best in the wall before they make fun of Beauford Jester's name.

Colby goes to ask do the brothers have roles and they say Matt does the laundry and drives. Nick is the leader and Chris is just there, so Nick says he the creative one.

"Let's tell them about what happened last night." Sam passes the camera over to Colby, "We were standing right in the middle of this area. And our guide screams and looks over to the left, and she saw for the first time ever, someone waving at her. And I look by this little light and a full on shadow passes the light."

"I might have left out I saw the exact same thing she saw last night." Dani tells the group.

"Don't do that stuff." Chris looks at her so she laughs as they head for the elevator.

"I hate the elevators." Matt speaks up.

"Wait, what?" He catches Sam off, "You hate the elevator?"


"We have maybe a little... Ritual to do in the elevator tonight." He tells the three.

"You can count me out." Dani says hearing that for the first time.

"You know what, we can sit out together." Chris pats Dani on the shoulder as she stood next to him, "I hate those two words together."

"Me and Chris have been stuck in an elevator before for like an hour and a half." Matt tells the group, "It traumatized me a little bit."

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