10 | Surprise

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Recently Dani decided she wanted to stay in LA because she thought back to her and Matt talking in the elevator about how she prefers LA over Vegas

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Recently Dani decided she wanted to stay in LA because she thought back to her and Matt talking in the elevator about how she prefers LA over Vegas.

Getting to the house Dani sees that Hallie wasn't home at the moment so she just heads inside going to her room. It was still the way she last left it when she was there.

Dani falls back on her bed pulling out her phone to let Colby know she made it safely before getting on Instagram. After about ten minutes of just scrolling she gets a message from Matt, causing her to laugh as she goes to answer it.

Matt: What you doing?

Dani: Nothing, lay down scrolling through here. I just got to my place here in LA.

Matt: You're here in LA?

Dani: That's what I just said.

Matt: Give me the address so I can pick you up. We can surprise Nick and Chris.

Dani gives him the address then a little later while she was still in her phone laying in her bed the door bell rang.

"I didn't expect you to show up after sending you the address so quickly. I thought maybe in a few hours or so." She laughs opening up the door.

"Well, I'm not coming back if I leave now. So get your stuff and lets go." He tells her with a smile. "I'll be in the car waiting." He walks back to his car while she goes to get her stuff then joins him in his care.

"I'm here with Dani and eating a slice of pizza." Matt films in the car with just Dani in the passenger seat for a surprise video, "I feel like Nick is gonna lose his mind when he find out."

"Yeah, I didn't tell him I was here yet." She laughs, "And you just happen to message me, what was I doing."

"I saw you were active on Instagram so I thought to drop in."

"Aww," She finds that sweet, "That's nice."

"You're welcome,"

"What?" She laughs at how he was looking at her, "You want me to tank you or something?" She watches him go back to eating his slice of pizza, "Thanks but you're killing me just eating that slice of pizza. Like it's making me hungry." She makes him laugh, "I drive four hours, get to my place then you pick me up. I don't get to relax. I didn't even get to unpack my bag." She laughs as he stares at her, "I'm exhausted and hungry." She watches him go for another bite, "And you're just teasing me with that slice as you eat slowly!"

"Wanna bite?" He asks as he laughs.

"A bite?"

He laughs more, "Do you want me to take you somewhere to eat before we go to the house or?" He asks her.

"Are you paying for me?" She looks at the camera then over at him.

"I'll pay for you. I'll be a good friend." He agrees to paying so she looks right at the camera with a look.

"A good friend would let me relax at home."

"Do you want food?" He asks her and she tells him yes, "Then shut up." He makes her laugh.

Matt ends up taking Dani to a Sonic since that's what she wanted, "Are you happy now that you have your food?" He asks and she doesn't respond since she was eating, "I'll take that as a yes." He pulls out his phone to answer Chris texting about where is he.

"Thank you, you're the best." She tells him before eating her fries.

"That didn't sound like you meant it, you know." He gives her a look.

"But I did." Her tone gets soft.

"Oh..." He looks away for a second, "Now I feel bad."

"Don't feel bad. Here have some fries." She passes him some, "If you want more just tell me. Okay?" She looks at him, "I'll share with you. Because you used your money on me when you didn't have to."

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to." He smiles as she eats her burger, "Can I have a bite of that?"

"Umm, just the fries and tots." She makes him laugh, "This is too good to share. I was starving dude. Seriously thank you for this." She says really meaning it.

"It's the least I could do. As you said you just got here. What? Not even 35 minutes ago?" He tells her.

"Yep, and I get the pleasure of you first. My friend wasn't even home to see me arrive. So you literally are the first person." She let shim know.

"Don't act like you don't like being around me, Dani. You know you do." He says making her giggle uncontrollable.

"Oh my god. Do I really?" She laughs at him.

"Yeah, you can't fool me not even a little bit Tater-Tot." He looks at her.

Once she was finished eating they head to the triplet's house and talk about how there were going to surprise the other two. Walking inside Dani waits down by the door off to the side as he heads up.

"You didn't bring anything home to eat?" Chris says sitting on the cough watching tv. "Are you vlogging right now?" He looks over at Matt filming him.

"Yes, can you hold this for me?"

Chris gets up taking the camera from him and films Matt now, who was moving around a lot with a smile on his face, "Are you okay?" Chris ask as Matt now jumps up and down excited for the surprise.

"I have a surprise." He smile, "I mean it's mostly for Nick but kinda for you too because I know you will react happily too." He says taking the camera from him to film him.

"I have no idea what the surprise could be." Chris feels odd in the spot light, "Mostly for Nick? So..." He had no idea what it could be so Dani comes up.

"That surprise would be me." She says with a big smile.

"No fucking way." Chris backs away shocked.

"Yes way." She giggles as he walks over to give her a hug, "What? Didn't expect to see me here a week later?"

"Hell no. Nick isn't going to know how to act seeing you here in our house." Chris laughs before he and Matt go upstairs to blindfold Nick to bring him now to Dani as she waits.

"What's the surprise?" Nick asks as Chris helps him down the stairs, "You said no new tattoos this time."

"Come on, come on." Chris says excited to see his reaction.

"Chris slow down. I can't see shit dude." Nick says causing Dani to cover he mouth to keep herself quiet.

"Can you try making a guess?" Matt asks him as he shows Dani turning to face where Nick stood with a huge smile across her face.

"Did you add something new to the kitchen? Or the living room because we're down here. If it was anything else you would've brought it to my room."

"Take it off." Mat says and Dani smiles giggling a bit seeing the complete shock in Nick's face.

"Dani! Okay, what a wild surprise." He laughs, "It feels so weird seeing you here. Like you're in our house."

Dani laughs nodding her head in agreement, "I'm sure it does." Chris takes the camera while Matt walks over to show Nick the messages he and Dani shared to get her to come over, "When he picked me up I hadn't even been home for like 30 minutes."

"What made you randomly message her?" Nick asks as Matt was done showing the messages.

"He said he saw I was active on Instagram so he wanted to ask me what was I doing." Dani answers for him.

"I was bored on Instagram too so why not?"

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