Prince in a castle [male Prussia X Female Y/N]

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Requested by @Kingdom_of_Soosiania I hope you enjoy


Prussia's P.O.V.

Another night in my castle. I'm spending some time with my friend Bavaria. I know he can't talk back, I don't really care about that though. He's trying to explain something to me but I don't understand what exactly. He eventually stops and floats through a wall to his room in frustration. I float downstairs to my room to get some rest when I see someone enter the castle. Scheiße. I gotta warn the others. I go to Baden's and Württemberg's room and wake them.

Baden: "Hmm? What's wrong?"

Prussia: "There's a Gottverdammt intruder in the castle."

Baden: "Prussia, I know your paranoid but not every creak is some intruder."

Prussia: "I mean it this time. I saw her with my own eyes."

Baden: "Yeah yeah, I'll believe it when I see it."

Prussia: "Baden, you're blind."

Baden: "I know, that's why I married Württemberg."

Württemberg: "Hey, I'm not that ugly."

Baden: "Sorry honey, I still love you!"

Württemberg: "Love you too Baden."

Great, I should've known they'd be useless. Well atleast I know I can trust Saxony to take this seriously. I go to his room. He's still awake and is playing cards with Oldenburg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

Prussia: "Why are you four still awake? It's midnight."

Saxony: "We don't need sleep Prussia. We're ghosts, I know it keeps you sane. But we don't need it."

Prussia: "Doesn't matter anyway. There's an intruder here."

Saxony: "What? You idiot, why isn't that the first thing you said? I'll round up the rest of the territories."

He then floats up and goes to search the rest.

Prussia: "Oldenburg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz aren't you coming?"

Oldenburg: "No, we don't really care. I mean what are they going to do? Kill us? We're already dead. Besides, we're playing cards."

Great, more useless states. I can never count on them. I round up as much states as I can find and join up with Saxony. Everyone together is me, Saxony, Bavaria, Lippe, Anhalt and Hesse. We go and follow her making sure we aren't seen. I haven't really gotten a good look at her before. But now that I see her more closely, she's kind of beautiful. I get a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. No matter, we have to get her out of here. She's holding some wierd device, pushing a button on it. My thoughts get interupted by something falling.

Lippe: "Scheiße!"

Y/N's P.O.V.

I'm exploring an abandoned castle, taking pictures and filming. When I suddenly hear a can falling to the ground and hearing some murmuring. Ehm, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of scared by this. But there's a logical explanation for this. It could've just been the wind. I continue to explore, I see a staircase and go up to the first floor. I enter some sort of bedroom with... floating blankets? How the hell is that possible? My morbid curiousity got the better of my and I go closer to inspect. The floor isn't very stable. I see some sort of ghostly figure before I could make out who it was, I fell through the floor. Shit. I didn't hurt myself too badly though. I get up and look around. Ah, there's the door. I go to try and open it but it's stuck. Great, how am I going to get out of here now. I see another ghostly figure. Not the same one as before. This one is more focused and looks like... Prussia? Great, the face of german militarism is in front of me. He has a scarred face, kinda hot though. Wait, why is that the first thing that comes to my mind? He's also one of my favorites 'dead' countries.

Prussia: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Y/N: "I'm Y/N and I'm exploring this castle. I didn't know you inhabited it. I swear!"

Prussia: "And why should I believe you?"

Y/N: "I just wanted to take some pictures and video's."

Prussia: "Like I'm going to believe that. I didn't see you carying a camera."

Y/N: "Well I did take them with my phone. Here I'll show you."

Prussia: "How? How is this possible? How can this thing take photograph in colour? Magic?"

Y/N: "Well, no. We've just advanced in technology alot since 1920."

Prussia: "What year are we? And what did we miss?"

Y/N: "We're 2024. And what do you mean by 'we'?"

Prussia: "With 'we' I mean the other german states. And what? It's been more than 100 years since the great war? What happened in that time?"

I try to explain to him what happened in the last 100 years. I know a bit of history. He's mostly in disbelief. It kind of looks like he's having a hard time taking it all in so I try to comfort him.

Y/N: "There, there. Everything will be fine."

Prussia: "I know, it's just alot to take in. Oh great What are you two blabbering about."

Y/N: "What? Who are you talking to?"

Prussia: "I'm talking about Württemberg  and Baden."

Württemberg: "C'mon Prussia it's obvious you like her. Just ask her out."

Prussia: "You bumbling baffoon. I don't know why Baden even married you."

Him and Württemberg keep arguing on for a while. But something he said. Prussia likes me? Well, I don't know how to feel about this. I mean he's a ghost and he's a country. I don't know how that will even work out. But I do think I have some feelings for him. I guess I could try. Prussia finally stops and turns to me.

Prussia: "I'm sorry for that. Like I said he's a bumbling baffoon."

Y/N: "Oh, don't worry. I'm not mad. But uhm, we could try to be in a relationship. Only if you want that though. I'm sorry if it's a stupid idea."

Prussia: "I guess we could try it."

He gets closer and starts to kiss me. He then pulls away and opens the door.

Prussia: "I love you Y/N. I'll show you the way around."

Y/N: "I love you too Prussia. I promise I'll visit every week."

We went around the castle. Meeting the other german states. They're great and nice countries. We then go into his room and start to cuddle. And watch some youtube, introducing him to the internet.


I enjoyed writing this story and i'm proud of it. This is also my first country x reader so it might be shit.

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