Anniversary day[m!Netherlands x m!Denmark]

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Requested by Notmety. I hope you enjoy.

Netherlands' P.O.V.

I slowly wake up alone. I don't see my boyfriend anywhere in our room, his clothes are gone and so is his phone. He always lays next to me, even if haven't woken up yet. D-did he leave me?... Has he finally gotten enough of me and left. I guess I deserve this for being a worthless fat fuck. I can't do anything right. Not even a simple relationship. I wrap myself in my blanket and start to cry. I do hear a quiet sound coming from downstairs. It sounds like something sizzling. It's probably nothing. If my house blows up I won't care. Denmark was the only one who truly understands me. Not even Belgium or Luxembourg understand me. He was the only one I was comfortable with showing my body. I just know he hated it. Who would even like a fat fuck like me? I hear a sound on the stairs nearing me. If it's a serial killer I wouldn't care anymore. My door opens I and look at the opening. It's... it's Denmark! He's back! I'm just happy that I get to see him again and he has a platter with some breakfast. He goes to our bed and lays besides me. He looks concerned at me, I think he noticed that I cried. He lays the platter on the ground and immediately starts to hug me tightly.

Denmark: "It's okay now, I promise."

Netherlands: "I thought you left me, sorry for overreacting."

Denmark: "It's okay,  I won't leave you, ever. Don't be sorry for overreacting, you can't help it."

Netherlands: "Okay then, but please tell me when you are going to do something. You know I don't like being away from you."

Denmark: "I will, and I know you don't like it, I don't either. If you don't know were I am just call or text me."

Netherlands: "Okay Denmark. What were you doing anyway?"

Denmark: "Well we've been together for a year now and I wanted to do something special. Starting with breakfast in bed."

I kinda forgot that it was our anniversary today. He picks the platter and lays it on both our laps. It's cereal with some orange juice. It isn't much but I still appreciate the gesture. I know he has more planned for today, he always does. We start to eat, Denmark finishing first. As I start to drink my orange juice Denmark waits to tell me something.

Denmark: "I wanted to make some eggs and bacon, but I kinda burned it. Sorry."

Netherlands: "It's okay, I just appreciate you doing it. Besides I like cereal more."

Denmark: "You're just saying that because you don't want to hurt my feelings. I know what you like."

Netherlands: "Oh really, you know what I like?"

Denmark: "Really, for example I know you love theme parks. And I know that your favorite movie is New Kids Turbo. And I know you don't like to show your beautiful body."

Netherlands: "Okay okay, you know me. So what else do you want to do today."

Denmark: "Everything you like netherlands. I planned everything out today."

Denmark's P.O.V.

I'm in the Netherlands and my bed. I told him about what I planned today for us. His face immediately lights up. He looks so happy! I already have the tickets to the theme park, his favorite theme park. The efteling I think. After that we'll watch his favorite movie and cuddle during it. And maybe after that we'll do something more "special". I'm not sure yet though. I'm sure he'll love it.

Netherlands: "Really? Thank you so much love!"

Denmark: "Of course! We have to get ready soon, we're going to you're favorite theme park!"

We both get out of bed. I put on socks, shorts, a T-shirt and I go brush my teeth. I look besides me and see the Netherlands doing the same. He wears a hoodie that's too big for him and pants that cover his feet, as usual. I don't get why he always wears that. He keeps thinking that his body is fat and ugly while almost everyone I know doesn't think so. I know he is beautiful. I just hope he realizes how beautiful he really is. We both finish brushing our teeth, go downstairs to pack our bags and go into the car. I sit in the drivers seat while he sits next to me. I start the engine and drive to the efteling. I noticed that the entire ride he looked at me. I don't really mind it though. We eventually arrive, we step out and walk to the entrance. Him towering over me. I sometimes feel small but he always makes me feel better. We finally get inside, the fun can now begin!

Denmark: "So what do want to do first?"

Netherlands: "How about we start with that roller coaster over there?"

With that we start riding every attracties we saw, I see that he's enjoying himself and so do I. I love to see him so happy. It makes my heart warm up. The hours pass, we ate lunch and came across some of Netherlands friends. I think Belgium and Luxembourg. I know Netherlands doesn't like to talk much to people so we just waved at them. It's getting pretty late now so we decide to go home. We get out of the park, go to the car, I go into the drivers seat again and drive back home. I glance at Netherlands, seeing that he's trying to sleep but failing. After an hour we arrive back home. I get out and open the door to the passenger seat. I pick him up, carry him inside and upstairs. He gets surprised but doesn't mind it and looks into my eyes the entire time. I lay him on the bed and I lay next to him, covering us with a blanket.

Denmark: "Hey Netherlands, you want to watch a movie before we sleep?"

Netherlands: "I would love that! Maybe New Kids Turbo?"

Denmark: "I was planning on that."

I start to play the movie, he starts cuddling with me as we watch, I cuddle back making sure he's comfortable. I kinda like the movie and I know he loves it. There are some funny moments here and there but I still like it. He laughs alot during it making me laugh. As the movie ends I start to lay on top of him.

Denmark: "One last thing love~"


I hope you liked this story even if it's kinda bad

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2024 ⏰

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