atom bomb baby [male Russia X male America fluff]

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Requested by @cassidilla123 I hope you enjoy


Russia's P.O.V.

The world is destroyed. Nuked to oblivion. And it's all America's fault. He shot first, he wanted to expand his imperialism. I only defended myself. Now my family that still talked to me before this whole mess hate me. They blame it on my ignorance. On me for not calling America to see what was going on. What else was I supposed to do? The possibilty of a nuclear attack and I wasn't supposed to act to that threat? My closest sibling, Belarus, won't even talk to me anymore. Kazakhstan comes up to me. He also started to ignore me. I guess he has something important to tell me.

Kazakhstan: "The UN and some of the remaining countries want to talk to you."

He then stormed of. I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't listen. Why would the UN want to talk to me? What, are they going to make me feel bad for taking action? Force me to apologize to America? Not going to work on me. If they want to talk, then they should come up to me. After 30 minutes, the UN and some other nations come up to me.

UN: "Russia we need to talk."

Russia: "No, you're just going to try and fail to force me to apologize to America."

UN: "No, I'm going to make you and America ate going to fix this mess. I don't care how, but you will do it."

Russia: "And you think I'm going to become best friends with hime to fix his mess, then you must be idiots."

UN: "I don't care if you two become lovey dovey with eachother. Just try to fix this."

I push them aside and run off. I don't want to hear any bullshit from them anymore. But something he said was wierd. 'Lovey dovey' with America. what does he mean with that? He may look handsome, but he ruined everything. Why would he think I like America? He may be gay, but I'm not. Atleast, I think so. I walk around for a bit. I eventually see America talking with France and Britain, or rather arguing with them. I watch them from afar, not really hearing what they're saying.

America's P.O.V.

France: "America, me and Britain have decided that you have to work together with russia to fix this whole mess."

America: "If you think I'm going to work with Russia, then you are just as stupid as you think I am."

UK: "And why are you so egotistical all the time? And you will do this. You can start right away, Russia is behind you on that hill over there."

I look behind me and sure enough, Russia sits there looking at me. He's the one that shot first, he wanted to expand his imperialism. I only defended myself. Now Canada won't even talk to me. He blames it on my ego and ignorance. On me for not calling Russia to see what was going on. What else was I supposed to do? The possibilty of a nuclear attack and I wasn't supposed to act to that threat? I wanted to call him but by the time I thought of that, the nukes already hit. I wanted to better our relations. Our personal relations. In truth I wanted to tell him I had feelings for him. To tell him I loved him. I thought he was hot and kind-hearted. I walk up to him to ask why he was spying on me.

America: "Why the hell were you spying on me?"

Russia: "I just wanted to tell you that the UN told me I need to help you to fix your mess. Not going to do it though."

America: "What? Yes you are. Now come on. I have something."

I can't let him have his way. I have to piss him off somehow. And if it means fixing the world then so be it. I grab his arm and drag him with me to one of my secret underground labs.

Russia: "America, what the fuck are you doing?"

America: "You'll see. Alright we're here. Wait here."

I go up to the control panel and open the door. I grab Russia's arm again and enter. Now to find the room I'm looking for. I might have or haven't forgotten were it is. Why the hell did I make this place a maze? We go in circles until russia stopped me.

Russia: "Do you even know where we're going?"

America: "Of course I do. Just be patient."

Russia: "Alright, then tell me the way from here."

America: "Oh, uhm... it's just that way. I think?"

Russia: "You think? YOU THINK? You're more stupid than I thought. How do you forget the way to go in your own building?"

America: "Hey. Don't call me stupid. If I were stupid then how could I make this?"

Russia: "I don't know how or why. But it doesn't negate the fact that you're an idiot."

America: "Well atleast I'm not stupid enough to launch nukes at my enemy."

Russia: "Well since you did launch them, you are stupid enough."

America: "Oh please, you shot first. I launched them when my alert went off."

Russia: "I launched them when my alert went off."

America: "What you think China just launched them, then blamed us?"

Wait, did I just come up with a plausible explanation to this? He also seems to think about it.

Russia: "I hate to say this, but I think you're right. Agree to blame it on China?"

America: "Sure thing hotshot."

Shit, I didn't mean to tell him that last part. Well, if he's into it I'll date him.

Russia: "What did you just say? You think I'm hot?"

America: "Yeah so? What? Arevyou going to say it isn't true? Hotshot."

Russia: "Well, no. I just didn't expect it from you."

America: "Why not? You know I'm into strong buff dudes."

Russia: "America, please stop. You're making me blush."

America: "See. I knew you're into me."

I start to kiss him passionately. He does the same. I pull away suddenly remembering where we need to go.

America: "I love you Russia. Now come with me. I know where it is."

Russia: "Fine, I admit it. I also love you. You've made me realize I'm gay. Thank you."

America: "No problem hotshot."

We went where we're suppossed to go. Another code is needed so I enter it. It opens and we go inside. In the room there's a silvered briefcase. The G.E.C.K.

America: "Alright hotshot. This is the G.E.C.K. or Garden of Eden Creation Kit. This should probably do the trick."

Russia: "And why didn't you use this earlier?"

America: "You actually think I remember these things I created? They just help the common man. Boring!"

We go back outside and use the G.E.C.K.. Instantly grass, bushes and trees start growing unnaturally fast around us. I push him onto the ground and start making out with him.


I'm sorry this took so long. I kinda got sick when I started writing this. Most of this story is kinda inspired by fallout lore.

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