Chapter 15.5 • so, this is love?

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"Fuck, I think I have a bruise from last night." Nia was twisted around trying to look at her lower back in the mirror.

"Lemme see, princess." Malcolm said as he burst through her room's door shirtless, only wearing his fitted boxers. Nia bit her lip. She still wasn't used to it. It had only been twelve hours in her defense, but settling into fucking Malcolm — him being so sweet and sexy to her, the princess pet name, and whatever intimate space their relationship was in — would certainly take some adjustments.

Even now, as he carefully turned Nia around to softly prod at the skin down her spine with an almost-boyfriend-like care and tenderness in inspection, Nia had to support her weak knees and rest against her dresser.

"Does it hurt here?" Malcolm asked with a poke that made Nia wince. "Shit, I'm sorry Ni. I got carried away." He blushed.

"Don't apologize!" Nia bullied him. "Just fuck me standing up in the kitchen next time instead. Like against the counter..." She slid her arms around him in an embrace.

"Can next time be before breakfast?" He asked as he burrowed his face in her neck.

Nia couldn't answer. Malcolm had begun to leave the softest kisses down her shoulder and the goosebumps came back as they always did when he touched her. And like a paralyzing blanket, all she could do was barely nod as he led her into the kitchen. In a haze worse than a fever, Nia's heartbeat rose and her skin warmed as he bent her over her counter, sucking her clit from the back before slipping his stiff dick inside her sticky pussy. One's body always ready, hot and eager for the other's. It was as if their hearts went into overdrive to pump blood in their veins when they were this close, sending them both into a euphorically feverish love sickness.

This delirium returned when he woke her up in the middle of night with kisses on the back of her neck. Kisses that lead to him inside of her, fucking her from behind until they fell asleep again.

And again after she woke up wrapped in his strong arms, dying to pee. She silently returned to the bedroom, tiptoeing in the morning light not to wake him, when he told her to come sit on his face.

And even now during what was round five, the hazy fever of ecstasy stayed. Hot, and prickling their bodies wet with sweat. Surrounding them as they inhaled it, panting in rhythm, Malcolm and Nia found it impossible to come up for air. Unthinkable for them to separate, stroke after stroke making sounds erupt from their bodies. They were hopelessly devoted to finding more ways to connect. Nia kicked a leg back and Malcolm autonomously held it wrapped around his hip as he gripped her ass cheeks like anchors while planting kisses occasionally up and down her spine.

They couldn't keep their hands off of each other. There was an insatiable craving for one another, each round feeling better than the last and in Nia's mind: nearing love making.

Nia was sore in all the right places, and she couldn't get enough of that sweet pain. Every way he touched her manifested in her body as intense pleasure.

When they were done, streams of sunlight floated through Nia's windows, casting beams onto the golden skin of Malcolm's back. They were collapsed on her living room floor, propped up against her couch. Their limbs tangled together on her cream rug, lounging naked, exhausted, and in a bliss that felt like love.

It was love to Nia. She knew because she'd never felt anything like this before. She knew because love was in everything he did and said.

"Are you hungry, princess?" Malcolm asked as he curled her body into a ball on his bare lap. He was playing in her curls, practically massaging her scalp and kissing any skin from her cheek to shoulder that he could.

The List that Lead the Logical Nia Birch to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now