Hidden Inventory

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Y/n: Satori, I don't think this is a good idea

Satori turns to Y/n with a cocky smile

Satori: Aw, are you worried utahime and Mei

Y/n: Well, yeah, but also.

Satori quickly cuts him off

Satori: Don't worry, I'm sure Mei mei won't die, I'm not sure about utahime, though.

Satori raises her hand to activate her technique

Y/n: Wait, Satori, don't.

Satori: Blue!

Satori uses her technique on the haunted house

Then utahime falls out and is about to hit the floor

Y/n transform into his God Transformation and uses the increased speed to save he before she hits the ground

Utahime was knocked out but then woke up seeing Y/n with red hair looking down on her with his beautiful red eyes

Y/n: Hey, are you ok  it seems like you were gone for a second there.

Utahime face turns red, and she stutters

Utahime: y-y-yeah, i-i'm fine. What just happened

Y/n: Satori happened she used her technique blue on the building, and I tried to stop her, but you know Satori, she always does what she wants.

Then, satori appears on a pile of debri

Satori: I'm here to save you, Utahime

Satori: Are you blushing, I guess you like being held by Y/n.

Utahime quickly jumps out of her juniors arms  and starts yelling at satori

Utahime: I wasn't blushing, and you didn't save me at all. You nearly killed me.

Mei then appears

Mei: Would you carry me if I was in trouble, I would certainly like that.

Satori: I don't think any of us would need to save you your strong

Mei: Is that true

Utahime, frustrated and angry, decided to but in onto satori and mei's conversation

Utahime: Gojo! You listen here,  I don't need your hel-

Just as the utahime was about to finish her sentence and giant curse appeared behind her

Y/n jumps in behind Her and charges, and Ki Blast

But then another curse eats the previous curse

???: Don't sallow it. I'll absorb it later

Y/n detransformed, his hair and eyes going back to normal, and released a sigh

Y/n: " Geto is such a show off ."

Geto begins walking up the stairs

Geto: Satori, it's not nice to pick on the weak. You know. Try to be more like Y/n I'm these situations.

Satori: What kind of idiot picks on the strong? Also, I like being me. Thank you very much.

Mei giggles

Mei: You're the one fanning the flames Geto

Utahime anger started to rise until

???: Utahime Senpai

Utahime quickly calms down and shows a face of happiness

???: Are you ok

Utahime: Shoko!

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