Chapter Eight

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Eyebrows(eyebrow?) raised in disbelief, Nick Fury stared at Percy.

"So you're saying that you didn't blow up St. Lewis Arch? You didn't kidnap your mother? You dust blow up three schools?"

"Yep," Percy responded confidently. "All I do in the summer is go to this camp for ADHD and Dyslexic kids on Long Island. My mom has my camp records to prove it."

Fury was skeptical, but Percy continued. "I'm just the scapegoat, I swear. I'm definitely not a terrorist."

Fury looked at Natasha, who was standing in the corner of the room, for confirmation. It was hard to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s records were incorrect, even though his instincts screamed to trust Percy.

Natasha nodded, and Fury turned back to Percy. "In that case, what are we going to do about you? We can't just let you go now that you've been interrogated and seen top S.H.I.E.L.D. agents..." He wondered out loud.

Natasha strode up to Fury and whispered something inaudible into his ear. Fury nodded in consideration, all the while staring at the young man in front of him.

"So Perseus," he said, ignoring Percy's withering glare when Fury said Percy's formal name. "How would you feel about joining the Avengers?"

Fury paused, letting that information sink in, and continued once he realized Percy wasn't going to say anything.

"They are an important group of heroes who fight against any threats to Earth's safety, if you don't know already. Even though they are strong now, new blood never hurts. Since you are still fairly young, you are able to go places where they couldn't without looking suspicious(A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE IDEA ABOVE @BellaHaddel !!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND THIS CHAPTER WOULDN'T BE PUBLISHED ALREADY WITHOUT YOU! :)). Also, everybody knows the faces of the original Avengers, so a crowd is sure to follow them at all times, whereas you are a new face and can move around and spy much easier."

Percy was still just staring at him, an expression of shock on his face. He squinted his eyes in confusion.

"So...?" Nick Fury prompted.

"Um... I guess I'm in, but you'll have to explain again... Who exactly are the Avengers, and what did they do?"

Fury struggled not to facepalm, and muttered to himself, "What is with this guy?"


Natasha POV

Percy was persistent, she'd give him that. Ever since the 'interrogation' happened(well, it was more of an one-sided conversation near the end) and she had been charged with showing him around the Avenger's Towers, he had been questioning her about what exactly he would be doing, why the Avenger's were so famous, why he should be friendly with them after they attacked him, and various other things.

"So, why did you even allow he citizens to witness that attack? I bet tons of them got injured. Come on, Nat, that all could of been avoided with some better planning. Innocents first, as I always say-" He said.

Natasha wasn't sure wether he was being sarcastic or not, but wanted to strangle him either way. This dude was annoying.

"Well, we had no idea when Loki's army was going to attack, or where. We ourselves had just been attacked, and we were healing and becoming prepared for the battle," she responded irritably.

"That's another thing," he started. "Did you really think that Loki was acting alone? He doesn't have that much power. He needed allies, powerful allies, but he gambled too much and became a puppet to whoever he made a bargain with. In fact, if-"

Natasha cut him off yet again. "Okay, Jackson," she said while glaring at him, and pointed down the hallway. "The elevator is on your right. You are on floor 28, the last room on the right. Find it yourself," she fumed, and stomped away. Yes, it was immature of her, but that kid really got on her nerves.


Okay yes it is a really short chapter and for that I'm sorry :'(

*gets down on knees* *begs* IM SORRY!!!! *sobs* PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I'LL NEVER CHEAT ON YOU AGAIN, I SWEAR! IT WAS A MISTAKE, HE WAS JUST- *freezes*

Oh, whoops, sorry guys. Wrong story. XD

But really I'm sorry. I'm just juggling this new PJ/HP crossover idea in my head. You probable don't want to hear about it, but I'll tell u anyway XD


After the Giant War, Percy Jackson was never the same. The love of his life, along with many of his closest friends, was in the Underworld. He visited them frequently with Nico, and took breaks from being at camp, where memories of his love came to him everyday. Until something changes, and he is sent off to England because of dangers unknown to him.

Harry Potter is having an awfully hard time going back to Hogwarts to redo his final year, along with the rest of the students who decided to return. With a new DADA(you know who this is *wink wink*) teacher, who has secrets even Hermione can not puzzle out, strange attacks every couple of weeks, and a new approach on magic, the year isn't turning out as expected. It seems that Hogwarts can never fully be at peace.

(^^^thats be intro I need one more paragraph for the ending to tie it all together if you want to write the paragraph just PM me of course I'll give you credit and a shoutout :))

Okay so basically this is going to be a very mysterious PJ/HP crossover. Percy thinks that he is being sent away from CHB on a quest to protect and teach the Wizards more about hand-on-hand fighting, but secrets are being kept from him that cannot be let out, and there is a reason that he isn't allowed to IM his remaining friends. Strange attacks will be happening at Hogwarts every couple of weeks, attacks that both Percy has no memory of. Percy and Harry will be trying to figure out what is going on. Harry and his friends will be sloughing as always, and will realize that some secrets are best kept secrets. Throw in some drama, disbelief, and a very interesting DADA class, and I think that this story will be very successful :)

If anyone wants to do cover art of banners, feel free to :) I will always post them on the chapters and give you credit and a shoutout :)

This story will come out hopefully soon. I'm sorry to any of y'all who don't like his or want me to spend more time updating my other stories like The New Games or The Demigod Avenger, but I'm really looking forward to this. I hope you are too :)

Yeah I'm pretty sure that my authors not was just as long as my chapter if not more XD. Sorry y'all lol I'm just super excited about this.

Love ya'll! (What should I call y'all besides y'all? XD)


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