Chapter 3- Spine-Chilling Encounter

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As the sun went down, a rustic cabin stood amidst a twinkling sky. The windows glowed with a warm, flickering light from candles inside. Nellie, Rita, and Aadvika gathered in one room, sharing stories and laughter as they prepared for the night. The fireplace crackled as they chatted, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"Draven, where you are sleeping?" Aadvika asked, looking around the room.

Draven pointed to the living room, "Over there. I just didn't feel comfortable around Jack Grayson."

Westley came out of the room and smirked at Draven, "You can't just become the alpha by doing this, man. You gotta earn it."

Draven smirked back, "I am earning it right now, aren't I?"

"Where's Jack though?" Nellie looked around the living room.

"Left to continue his hike. He doesn't like the vibe around here," Rita replied.

"He should be the one feeling uncomfortable, not us," Westley smirked.

"Chill out, guys. Jack's gone. We can finally sleep in peace," Nellie reassured them.

"In peace? Honestly, this place is giving me the creeps," Aadvika said nervously.

"It's just for one night, Aadvika. Let's try to adjust and head to bed," Rita said, pulling Aadvika and Nellie into the room.

As the night wore on, Aadvika found herself feeling increasingly exhausted. Deciding to call it a night, she made her way out of the room, passing by Westley's room and Draven, who was sitting in the living room, his face etched with frustration as he aimlessly flipped through the TV channels. Despite his efforts, none of the channels seemed to be working that night, leaving him feeling even more dejected than before.

"Oh my god!" she panicked and quickly came out of the bathroom looking for the rest of my friends to see if they heard it too. "What could it be?" she thought to herself as she frantically got out of the bathroom.

As Aadvika stepped out of the bathroom, a sudden and startling sound echoed through the entire house, causing her to pause in her tracks and listen intently. The sound had come from the floor below, a loud and frightening thud that left her feeling uneasy and anxious. The uneasy silence that followed the noise only added to her fear, as she couldn't help but wonder what could have caused such a disturbance. She made her way to the room where Nellie and Rita were engaged in a discussion about ghosts and horror stories, determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Hey, did you guys hear that loud thud? It sounded like it came from below us. Is there a basement in this house?" Advika asked curiously.

"I don't think so, babe. This house makes all kinds of weird sounds. Just chill with us and don't worry about it," Nellie said, smiling widely from the bed.

"This house is giving me the creeps, Nellie," Advika said as she sat beside Nellie and Rita.

Rita got up from the bed to close the door and saw Draven getting ready to sleep on the couch.

"Hey, Draven! Be the alpha of the group!" Rita teased Draven and smirked at him.

That night, Nellie happened to notice that Westley had left his room door ajar. She suspected that he might have done so just in case there was an emergency. As the night wore on, the guys who were on watch advised the girls to make sure that their room door was securely locked. Rita nodded her head in agreement and promptly locked the door, feeling safer and more at ease knowing that she and her roommates were well-protected.

"Wanna hit the bed now?" Nellie asked.

"I can't sleep guys, my heart is not at peace," Advika said.

"Chill out, girl. Nothing to worry. Two alphas are out there protecting us, so we're good," Rita said calmly.

As Aadvika stood at the threshold, she hesitated for a moment, her eyes struggling to adjust to the dimly lit living hall. With each step she took, the wooden floorboards creaked and moaned under her weight, as if protesting her intrusion. The cabin appeared even more eerie than before in the dead of the night, with the only sound being the hushed whispers of the wind outside, which seemed to seep in through the cracks and crevices, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. Despite her anticipation, Aadvika tiptoed further out, her heart pounding in her chest, wondering what secrets the cabin held.

As Aadvika cautiously made her way to the living hall, a sense of foreboding crept up on her. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt a strange presence lurking around. With each step, her heart pounded faster, and she couldn't help but wonder what could be causing her unease. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she quickened her pace, determined to uncover the mystery that awaited her.

Out of nowhere, a dark figure moved swiftly in the corner of Aadvika's eye, and before she knew it, she was face-to-face with two strangers cloaked in shadows. Her heart skipped a beat, and a chill ran down her spine as she stumbled backward, her mind consumed with terror and bewilderment. The silence that followed was deafening, and the unknown intentions of the strangers left her paralyzed with fear.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" she managed to stammer out, her voice trembling.

The strangers remained silent, their ominous presence suffocating the air around them. Aadvika's instincts screamed at her to run, to find safety, but her legs felt like jelly beneath her. Just then, a distant thud echoed through the cabin, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching from the other end of the hallway. Aadvika's heart lurched in her chest as she realized that Nellie and Rita were in danger.

With a surge of adrenaline, she darted past the strangers, determined to reach her friends before it was too late. The hallway seemed to stretch on endlessly, the shadows closing in around her like a sinister embrace. 

As she burst into the room, she found Nellie and Rita awake, their eyes wide with fear. The atmosphere was charged with an uneasy stillness as they all became aware of the unwelcome visitors in their midst. The weight of their presence hung heavily in the air, filling the space with a palpable tension that was impossible to ignore.

"We need to get out of here," Aadvika gasped, her voice urgent. "There are people in the cabin."

Without hesitation, the three girls sprang into action, grabbing their belongings and heading for the door. But as they reached the front entrance, they were met with a shocking sight. The strangers stood before them, blocking their path with cold, calculating eyes. Aadvika's mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan, a way to escape this nightmare.

Nellie's heart was racing as she frantically nudged Aadvika to call for help. But Aadvika was paralyzed by fear, too petrified to make a sound. As Aadvika's eyes darted toward the living room, she saw Draven struggling to break free from the stranger's grasp. The sight sent shivers down her spine. Meanwhile, Westley lay motionless on the cold, hard floor, and a towering figure loomed menacingly over him. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of their breathing. They were trapped, alone, with no one to save them from the horrors that lay ahead.


🌟Something's fishy here. Who are these strangers? And what's Jack Grayson's role in this mess?

🌟Hey hey! Are you ready to dive into this chapter? I hope so because I spent all night writing it. And by all night, I mean I took a nap in the middle of it. Don't worry, I didn't add any dreams to the chapter. But seriously, if there's anything in here that doesn't make sense, blame it on the nap. And let me know so I can fix it before my editor sees it. Thanks a million!

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