Chapter 3

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I sat in the lounge of our luxurious penthouse, immersed in the coziness and warmth surrounding me. A thick and soft blanket hugged my body, bringing comfort even on cold fall evenings. As I listened thoughtfully, I could hear the pleasant crackling of wood in the fireplace, which spread warmth and created an atmosphere.

The book in my hands opened the door to distant times and the world of art. Pages slid one by one. My eyes browsed through the lines, but my thoughts could not take refuge in the harmony. They swirled in my head, making me lose myself in the noise of my own thoughts.

Suddenly, as if by magic, someone's lips touched my cheek, sending a shiver throughout my body. I jumped up from the couch confused and hurriedly turned around, meeting the gaze of my future husband, Adam.

"You're not ready yet?!" - he said with amazement in his voice.

"Are we going somewhere?" - I asked uncertainly, turning to face him.

"I left you a message, didn't you read it?" - Adam frowned. I only shrugged, involuntarily feeling signs of confusion.

"Mr. Medson called the office today and invited us to dinner. He wants to go over all the details," - he finished his thought.

I felt the tension and anxiety building up inside me. After all these years, after all we'd been through, I still felt a thrill when I thought about Arthur. He was the brightest part of my life, but also the most dramatic.

I thought so much about what had happened between us. There just seemed to be no more thoughts left, it was exhausting and debilitating. I hadn't seen him in over a decade. But I was wrong to think that our past no longer mattered to me. I didn't think this man could have such an impact on me. But running into him again made me realize how wrong I was. Meeting this man was like an electric shock, penetrating deep into my soul.

The pain of seeing Arthur again was unbearable. But at the same time, somewhere in the back of my mind, I still longed for his presence. I already had a fiancé, my dream of a life come true, but somehow something was still slipping through my fingers.

Taking a deep breath, I got up from the couch and said "I'll go get ready then," heading towards the bedroom.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time!" - Adam shouted after me, and I felt adrenaline fill my veins.



I was sitting in a luxurious restaurant, surrounded by rich and influential people, whose voices flowed smoothly into the melody of live music. The interior of the place was exquisite: high ceilings, crystal chandeliers, and walls decorated with works of art. The air was saturated with the aromas of expensive perfumes and exquisite dishes, creating a special atmosphere of the evening.

The thought flashed through my mind that some things just never change. I remembered those moments when I stood outside her house every night, waiting for Kornelia to show up. Half an hour that seemed like an eternity, but she was never in a hurry.

And then she appeared. Everything around her just disappears. Her radiant smile and bright eyes fill the space with her magic. Closer to her, with each step, I feel the growing energy and passion. Finally, she is in my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and our lips meet in a tender kiss.

She was happy and she brought happiness to me. Every movement she made, every moment filled with passion and joy, immersed me in her world. I loved her for her spontaneity and her ability to inspire me to see the beauty in the smallest details of life.

She loved life itself, and I loved her.

My eyes darted toward the entrance, pulling me away from my thoughts. There she was, elegant and unattainable. My heart seemed to freeze, as if time was slowing down. She continued on her way with her fiancé under her arm, and I felt the sadness of loss again.

They came to the table where I was sitting. Adam held out his hand to me with a smile, and I stood up slightly and greeted him with a handshake. He pulled out a chair to help Kornelia sit down, and then took a seat next to her. Adam had excellent taste in style, the best education and a good reputation, and his family was one of the richest in America. But all these external attributes ceased to matter in my eyes, because he had her - Kornelia.

"I am extremely grateful that you agreed to the meeting," - Adam said, his gaze filled with gratitude.

"Yes, your offer interested me," - I began, wanting to ask a few questions, but Adam quickly and unobtrusively interrupted me, not allowing me to continue.

" I've been working on this project for a very long time," - he continued. I glanced at Kornelia. Her face expressed some irritation for a moment, and a thought flashed through my head "Why is he taking merit for her?" I looked at her again, but at that very moment she just sank into complete boredom, there was not a single emotion on her face, as if this situation had been repeated more than once, and she was already used to it. She was indifferent, and that worried me.

Shifting my gaze to Adam, he continued to talk about his projects, completely oblivious to the purpose of our meeting. I felt that my questions and doubts remained unanswered, and I began to doubt Adam's sincerity and his interest in our cooperation.


Adam filled the whole evening with his presence in the story of his future plans. His voice sounded confident, as if he owned every second of the conversation. The silent Kornelia sitting next to him seemed like a doll that served to make him even more important. She stared into the distance, as if lost in her own thoughts. Her graceful body, accentuated by an elegant dress, looked motionless, almost perfect, but devoid of soul.

The conversation was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Adam immediately got up from the table, directing his gaze at the flashing screen. He excused himself and left the table.

At that time, my attention was focused on Kornelia. She was detached from the current world, as if immersed in her secret thoughts. But her peace was disturbed by my question, which broke the silence and brought her back to reality.

"You said you worked on the project yourself. Why does Adam think it's all his doing?" - my voice sounded harsh, but it carried a note of genuine curiosity.

Kornelia's face changed, and embarrassment flashed across it for a moment. Her eyes widened. She bit her lower lip, as if trying to find the right words to answer.

She tried to open her mouth, but no answer came out of her lips. A wave of indecision and quiet panic floated across her face.

However, her unspoken words were interrupted by Adam's return. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave urgently. It's important," - he said, turning to me.

"Darling, can you get home by yourself?" - he asked her, looking from me to Kornelia.

Before she could answer, I blurted out, "I'll take her." Both of their eyes met mine and were full of surprise.  


Thank you so much for finishing this chapter. I really hope you like it.

I'm looking forward to see you in the next one!



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