Chapter 5

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I was sitting in the reception area of Arthur's office, beautifully decorated in a minimalist style. The snow-white walls with large chrome paintings with abstract compositions, adding elegance and modernity to the interior.

The floor was covered with marble tiles reflecting the light of the beautiful chandeliers. Luxurious plants in huge pots scattered along the long corridor created a sense of harmony and wealth.

I looked around, noticing a lot of people bustling and busy with their own business. The distinguishing feature of each was their determination and professionalism.

Suddenly, I remembered a small cozy beach where we lay next to each other, immersed in the infinity of the sky fool of stars. Clutching the sand in our hands, we talked about the future, about our dreams and desires. "I dream of starting my own business," - he said with confidence, and for a moment his gaze intertwined with mine. A gentle smile lit up my face.

Then, making a sharp turn, he almost began to lie next to me, leaning on his elbows, closing the distance between us. "And I also dream of buying us a house in which only children's laughter and joyful voices will sound," - he whispered, and then kissed me with tenderness and passion.

Goosebumps ran through my body from the memory. And then, somewhere deep in my soul, I felt proud that Arthur was able to achieve what he wanted. No matter how much I tried to hate him, he only brought warmth to my heart.

"Sorry for keep you waiting," - a familiar voice rang out. Arthur was standing in the doorway of the office, carefully putting his phone in his pocket. "It's okay," - I replied, getting up from my chair and heading to the room.

"Please, have a seat," - Arthur said, closing the door and pointing to a chair with his hand, "Now I'll find the contract." His voice sounded calm and confident.

With quick steps, he walked across the office to his desk and began sorting through packages and documents in search of the right one.

I looked at him. His blond hair was carelessly disheveled, giving him a slight cockiness. Classic trousers and a snow-white shirt, the sleeves of which he rolled up, emphasize his perfectly formed body. He's always been handsome, but now he's just dazzling. His eyes, amazingly blue, were fixed on the table, but I can't take my eyes off him.

"Found it," - he said, lifting the stack of documents to the top, as if showing them to me.

Arthur came up behind me, and putting the documents on the table in front of me, bent forward slightly. One of his hands was on the back of a chair, and the other he was leaning on the table. He was too close, so I could smell his expensive perfume, like a captivating scent of seduction.

I glanced at him briefly, but caught his eyes on me. We were millimeters apart from each other. Arthur slowly lowered his eyes to my lips, and then looked back at me. And I felt my heart beat faster.  

The tension between us was growing by the minute. I could feel my heart racing and my hands trembling slightly. Looking into his eyes, I realized that I was ready to let him take the next step.

Suddenly, the office door opened, breaking the atmosphere created between us. "I'm sorry, Mr. Medson, I'm late," - an unfamiliar voice rang out, which quickly brought me back to reality. Arthur quickly pulled away from me and stood up to his full height, turning towards the door. His movement was determined and orderly.

"Come in, Lydia," - he said, restraining his emotions, and then calmly walked to his desk. I was ashamed of my weakness in front of him.

I turned around and looked at the girl who had just entered the office. Her strict, elegant dress emphasized the grace of her figure, and I read shyness in her eyes. Her curly hair was pulled into a bun that complemented her look. A few unruly strands fell out, giving her charm and freshness. She adjusted her glasses and took a seat across from me.

Arthur turned to me, calling me by my last name with a slight hint of formality. "Miss Harris, this is Lydia Rodrigo," - he said, pointing at the girl. "She is the head of the arts foundation. You will solve all issues on the project with her." I looked at the girl sitting across from me, and she just smiled shyly in response.

Arthur continued "Lydia is already aware of the details of your project, I have shared with her all the necessary information." He hid his emotions behind calmness and serenity.

I accepted his words with a positive nod of my head, so as not to betray my excitement. "Great. Then it's settled. Lydia will show you your workplace, and you will be able to discuss some points related to the contract," - Arthur concluded, his words sounded authoritative and confident.

"A workplace? Here? There's no need for that," - I said, perplexed.

"Miss Harris, it will be more convenient for all of us," - Lydia continued, as if trying to convince me of the correctness of this decision. Her voice sounded insistent and stern. "You can find all the necessary documents here, they are freely available. Besides, I also spend most of my time in the office. No one will require you to be here all the time. But if you need a place to work, then it is completely at your disposal."

I looked uncertainly at Arthur, still doubting this decision, but he only shook his head approvingly, smiling a little.  "Okay, if you insist," - I replied hesitantly.

"Fine, then please follow me," - Lydia said, getting up from the table. I obeyed and followed her.

Before leaving, I took another look at Arthur. His eyes were still fixed on me, and I read confidence and support in them. A slight smile didn't t leave his face, as if telling me "Go ahead, and you will succeed." In response to this, I also smiled, and left the office, closing the door behind me.


Thank you so much for finishing this chapter. I really hope you like it.
I'm looking forward to see you in the next one!



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