After wards

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James was on the bench as he was getting his surroundings together as he looked at his hands and then the rest of his body and realized what had happened.
He realized that his hands were dark red and his finger tips were sharp, his feet were long and humanoid that they made him a foot taller and completely destroyed the shoes that he was wearing, he had wings on his back that ripped two holes on the back of his jacket, he had small horns on his forehead, and a tail on his lower behind.

Back at the party everyone there was trying to get inside of the bathroom that a transformed Kim was trying to figure out how to get out of there without being seen by everyone outside, she realized that there was no other way out so she did what she thought her brother would do in this situation and opened the door and ran out as fast as she could before anyone could get a good look at her and bursted through the front door and ran outside as fast as she could out of the house and through the street, without her noticing what she did.

Back on the beach, James was still trying to figure out what his body could have changed into something so strange and monstrous

"Whats- happening to me?" James asked himself.

James tried to get his phone out of his pocket so that he could try to call his mom for help, but when he tried to turn his phone on he accidentally crushed it in his hand.

"What the?-" James asked himself when he saw how strong he was now.

Kim was running back to her house with nowhere else to go and hoping no one saw her, as she reached the front door she grabbed the door handle she accidentally ripped it off its hinges which caused the door to open on its own and she went inside.

Elisa had just gotten home from grocery shopping as she parked the car in the driveway, as she got out of the car Elisa noticed that the front door was missing its handle and was open, so Elisa grabbed the gun under her car seat and sneaked into her own house where she found the light switch and discovered that nothing was broken or missing, so Elisa ran to upstairs where she discovered that her daughters room was locked.

"Kim, open the door" Elisa shouted as she pulled the handle of the door, trying to open it.

" I can't!" Kim yelled with fear in her voice from inside her own room.

"Yes you can, just unlock the door!"

"No you don't understand, something's wrong with me!"

"Kim, honey just show me what's wrong and I'll understand"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, just open the door!"

"Well, okay"

Kim unlocked the door and Elisa opened it to see that her own daughter looked like a gargoyle and knew what was happening, she thinks.

"Stay here and I'll get you're brother" Elisa said to her daughter in a calm fashion as Kim looked confused that her own mother wasn't shocked that her own daughter looked like a monster, but she did what her mom did anyway.

On the beach, Elisa was looking for a few hours before she found James sitting on the beach hugging his legs, nearby the splashing waves as he looked at the horizon.

"James?" Elisa said as she saw the gargoyles that was her son.

"Mom!" James exclaimed as he turned his head around to see his own mother looking at him, seemingly calm and not surprised that her son looked like some sort of creature.

"Get in the car and follow me, I'll explain everything" Elisa said to James as he calmly followed his mother to the car as he was still confused why his mom wasn't shocked that her own son looked the way he did, but James knew that she would eventually explain everything.

When they reached the car James went in to get it he accidentally ripped the passenger door off the car.

"Umm, sorry"James apologized.

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