chapter two

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3 missed messages from Francis:

Where are you?! You do remember we have a quiz on history, right?

Get a lift or something, it's raining outside!

Elaine, Ms. Yeong is looking for you. She just approached me and asked where you were. You haven't been in school today, are you okay?

I slept deeply throughout the night, only to awaken and realize that my phone alarm hadn't gone off. Glancing at the time, I saw it was already noon, meaning I had missed nearly the entire school day. Rushing to dress, I left the house, only to be greeted by pouring rain when I reached the train station. I wondered how I would manage to get to school in such weather. Despite having missed the day, I texted Francis that I was on my way, not wanting my parents to think I was skipping class. If I had completed my calculus assignment earlier the previous night, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

Hurrying through the corridor, I entered Ms. Yeong's classroom and noticed it was empty save for her seated at her desk, writing in a notebook. My throat felt dry, and my face seemed paler than usual. She didn't acknowledge my presence, making me feel invisible.

"You're late," she remarked dryly, her tone implying she'd rather I hadn't shown up. I nodded, approaching her desk with a remorseful expression. When she finally met my gaze, she clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

"I-I'm sorry, Ms. Yeong–"

"You missed the quiz," she cuts me off, her disappointment evident. "And you're aware it's a significant portion of your grade."

I nodded, feeling like a scolded child. "I know that–"

"Really, Ms. Solace? Do you know?"

I felt a pang of pain as she addressed me by my last name instead of my usual first. It was a rare occurrence, and it stung. I could sense her disappointment in me, written plainly on her face.

She shakes her head disapprovingly and rises from her seat, taking a few steps towards me until her height seems to hang over me. Her gaze travels up and down my form, almost as if she's observing me, and I catch a glimpse of a slight smile playing on her lips, leaving me puzzled. Was she amused by my tardiness, or was there a more sinister motive behind her expression? Being able to figure out what Ms. Yeong means is like figuring out the plot of a good actress; if she were one, I would praise her performance.

"What shall we do now, Ms. Solace, given your lateness?" She inquires, her tone tinged with a hint of challenge.

I stumble over my words, feeling stupid. "I-I'm not sure, Ms. Yeong. I-I can try to make it up to you–"

She interrupts me once more. "Can you?"

"Yes!" I reply fervently, nodding vigorously. "I'll do anything, I promise. I can take the quiz immediately, or in the next class, I could even assist you by reviewing all their work. Please, give me another chance. I overslept because I worked late on my calculus homework, and math isn't my strong suit. And my alarm–"

"You're talking too much," she interjects, her gaze briefly flickering to my chest before returning to meet my eyes. "Actions speak louder than words, Elaine. I expect less talk and more initiative from you. I don't want this to become a pattern. As you're aware, I take my role seriously, and a student's absence undermines my efforts in teaching; you are affecting my teaching."

My eyebrows twitched in response to her dry yet cutting demeanor, akin to a hammer striking glass. What exactly did she expect from me? Should I drag myself to her class until I collapse? What was her motive?

"Even if I'm sick, am I still expected to attend your class?" I asked, feeling a surge of frustration.

"Do you value your education, Elaine?" Ms. Yeong countered, arms crossed firmly across her chest. "Because of where I stand, that's no longer my concern. You're wasting my time, and your quiz remains uncompleted."

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