chapter twenty-five: ecstacy

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WARNING: smut, strap-on use, mommy kink, very detailed smut! 


Visiting the Met was quite an experience. I found myself spending most of my time with Carl and Francis, and to my surprise, Adam decided he wanted to be a part of our group. I didn't hold any resentment towards him; I simply felt uneasy when he persistently inquired about my romantic experiences, as if it were a matter of great importance to him. I expressed my dislike for Adam's presence with Amelia after the trip. She chuckled and mentioned that if she held the position of principal at Brighton, she would have no choice but to remove him.

Amelia graciously invited me to her apartment, providing a much-needed escape from the watchful eyes of my mother. It was a rare opportunity for us to enjoy some privacy, away from the prying gazes of familiar faces. Once she extended the invitation, I couldn't resist accepting and going over to her place. Upon stepping into her bedroom, a chilling atmosphere enveloped me, as if I were a stranger in a familiar space, despite the recentness of my last visit.

As she closed the door, she asked, "Did you sleep well?"

Even though it was only partially true, I nodded in agreement. I had trouble falling asleep last night. My mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that left me perplexed. Everything appeared perfect, as if it were out of the ordinary. As a result, I hadn't quite adjusted to the idea of normality.

"Yeah, I got some sleep. You?"

As she embraced me, Amelia nonchalantly lifted her shoulders. "No, I've been planning this all night," she whispered passionately.

"W-What have you been planning?"

"You in my bed," she says after a moment of silence. "I've been thinking about our conversation the other night."

Oh, that conversation, I thought wildly. She seems to be eager about it.

"Are we ready for that?" I managed to ask.

"If only you are ready for it," Amelia casually twirls a strand of my hair as we both gaze out the window in silence. She then says, "I don't want you to feel pressured, Elaine. If you're not ready for that, we shouldn't do it."

"I just–" I hesitated as I took a deep breath, feeling my heart release all the barriers that had enclosed me. Maybe it was time for me to let go of this tension. "I want to be perfect for you, you know? I want you to think that I'm good at this."

"Honey, you are perfect. What makes you think like that?"

"I feel like sex should be perfect."

"Well, whenever we have sex, it feels perfect–more than perfect," she reassured me as she kissed my neck, her hand slipping into my shorts and resting against my warm core. Suddenly, I felt electrified. "You're so perfect for me, darling. You do nothing that's not bad or imperfect."

The way she tells me sweet things, like how having sex with me was the most amazing thing ever, is so sweet. But part of me thinks she is making this up to protect me from the shame it would bring. Although I knew Amelia by heart, she wouldn't do such a thing as that.

The room began to feel hot, and my heart started to rise again.

"How big is your... strap?"

She chuckles at that. "Well, it's a little oversized." My eyes widen, but she shudders. "Don't worry, it's not like the biggest cock ever. We can use something small so that you'll feel comfortable."

Did she have a collection or something?

"How many straps do you have exactly?"

"Three," she confidently replied. "But I have something suitable for you."

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