chapter fourteen: i would've been yours

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"Who are you?"

Amelia averted her gaze from me and focused on the glass of wine in her hand. A gnawing feeling inside me confirmed that she was indeed my stalker, seeping into my veins from my head. It feels as though poison has been injected into me, leaving me unsure of how to respond. The words "Who are you?" It keeps echoing in my mind.

"I think we're done talking for now—"

"Don't do that," I said, my voice filled with a blend of frustration and a hint of disappointment. I couldn't help but scoff and shake my head. "So you are my stalker."

Amelia sighed quietly "You just don't get it."

"What is it that I don't get?"

"Everything that I'm doing," she says, furrowing her eyebrows with frustration. "You don't know how much I worry about you all the time, or how I have to take care of you when I have to."

I stood up in anger, throwing my hands up in the air, with my eyes wide open. This has to be the most absurd statement she has ever made, and what infuriated me even more was her attempt to justify it. Perhaps if she admitted I was her stalker without making excuses, I might consider forgiving her.

"You're crazy!"

Amelia lifted herself up, making me feel ten times smaller in comparison. "Yes, I am! So what?"

Things were clearly spiraling out of control. I never expected her to be so... delirious. It feels as though I'm witnessing two different aspects of her at this moment, but this particular one is not to my liking—I longed for the return of the Amelia I knew.

"So what?" I echoed her words while folding my arms across my chest.

"You're so–" she paused, twitching her brow, attempting to express her thoughts to me. Tell me, I thought. Tell me about what you have done. "Elaine, you're so incredibly stubborn. You won't even let me finish; I doubt you'd understand my reason."

"Well, spill it!"

She gazed at me momentarily before letting out a deep sigh, prompting me to regain my composure. In a barely audible voice, she murmured:

"Elaine, I don't stalk you. I never did. I just want to make sure you're taken care of, you know? It's true that I follow you around. That is, I will follow you until you arrive safely at your home or Francis' place. I tend to check your phone to see if anyone is contacting you since I don't want anyone else to have you besides me. Yes, I can be possessive, but I have a valid explanation for it. You drive me absolutely insane," she mutters, pinching her forehead and briefly closing her eyes. "This is completely new to me. The caring, you know? I'm not sure how I got these feelings for you; they're driving me crazy. You're all around me, within me. So I'm sorry for stalking you; I just want you to be safe."

After a brief pause, I could hear her whisper once more. "I only want you to belong to me." Her voice sounded hoarse, as if on the verge of tears, and I observed her slump her shoulders in total defeat.

I felt nearly queasy, these facts were so unfamiliar to me. I turned around slightly and collapsed onto the couch, breathing heavily as her words echoed in my mind, feeling like a hammer was banging against my head. Get a grip, I thought. She wasn't killing anyone, at least. I felt a little proud of myself for not romanticizing this; the idea of chasing and killing someone would make me uncomfortable.

Amelia didn't come over to me; she remained standing as I sensed her gaze fixed on me. I avoided making eye contact with her, lacking the courage to do so. I need to sort through my thoughts. Now the big question is, has she done this with others?

"How long have you been doing this?" I spoke up, then looked back at her. She blithely shrugged her shoulders and emitted a soft whimper, indicating her reluctance to share the information with me.

"You're going to be furious with me."

"I don't care," I stated firmly. "So, how long have you been at this?"

She paused for a moment, trying to catch her breath. "Ever since you showed up."

I let out a quiet gasp and covered my face with my cold hands. "Wow, Amelia. What the fuck is going on?"

She repeated, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," with another whimper and knelt on the ground. Her hands stayed on her knee, carefully avoiding touching me, aware that I didn't want to be touched at that moment. She softly assures, "I swear, I wouldn't risk anyone's safety. I had no intention of actually doing those things to Carl, I just wanted to scare him off."

"Well, if he knows you're my stalker, he'll tell everyone at school," I explained, returning my hands to my lap. "And your career will be ruined, I will be ruined. Did you not think before you did these things? Either way, we're gonna get fucked."

"I have my own strategies. Of course, I would be aware of those issues."

"You could've said anything when you first met me if you really wanted me. You could have approached me in a more traditional way. Instead, it feels as if you've manipulated me."

"That's not true-"

I interrupted her, casting an enraged glance in her direction. "But it is, right? You allowed this to happen, and you almost endangered both my friend and me. I don't know, Amelia. How can I possibly forgive you for this?"

She nodded in approval, a tear streaming down her cheek. She swiftly removes it with the back of her hand and releases a hoarse sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall instead of me–out of fear of meeting my gaze.

It seems to me that perhaps some of her actions weren't all that horrible. However, I refused to let that idea consume me, even though it was wrong. Imagine if she did it correctly, like by approaching me, maybe I'd see her in a new light. As I gaze upon her shattered state, my heart feels heavy witnessing her tears. It dawned on me that I had developed strong feelings for this woman. I wanted to grasp her face and tell her that I was sorry, but perhaps that wasn't what I really wanted to do.

Amelia tightly presses her legs against her chest and shakes her head. If I could somehow tap into her thoughts, I could sense her remorse for her actions. What is there to believe?

"Darling, I'm very sorry. I did not want you to be in danger, nor anyone else in your life for that matter. I simply became so enamored with you that I felt the urge to get hold of you right away."

"I would have been yours," I reassured her gently, which is exactly what I'm doing. I followed her quietly and sat on the ground, my hands resting on her back for a moment. As she shuddered, I instinctively embraced her from behind, enveloping her in my arms. She gently placed my hands on her stomach and turned to meet my gaze. "Amelia, I would have been yours immediately."

She whispered, "Even if you're in my class?"

Even as your student, I would have belonged to you. And I still want to be yours, which makes me delusional as well.

"Yes," I confessed in a hushed tone, almost murmuring to myself. She averted her gaze and let her head loll to the side. "I would have belonged to you, and only you."

We embraced each other for what seemed like an eternity, and I knew in that moment that forgiving her would be effortless. Her remorse was palpable, and I didn't detect any signs of manipulation – at least, that's my impression. Either way, I hugged her tightly, whispering that I belonged to her, just as before. She would respond and apologize to me several times before I begged her to stop.

It was just the two of us in our small world. No one else was involved.

AN: i'm so sorry if this is a short chapter, but i wanted to write this moment just for this chapter. What do you guys think about amelia stalking elaine? Of course, I had a feeling that you guys knew at some point. :) thank you for reading!

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