Chapter 2 (The Night Talk)

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Third person's POV:

After finally coming downstairs to the main hall, Lucifer straight up went to the bar again. Not to drink this time, but just to chat with the others and maybe snack on something.

Just like always, Husk was standing behind the bar-counter and Angel Dust was sitting on the countertop infront of him. These two were openly flirting with each other and the sight of that made Lucifer chuckle. He didn't experience this kind of thing with someone for a long-long time.
As the king sat next to them on a bar stool, the couple noticed him back.
,,So you two are in love, huh? Gotta say, you look pretty cute together ~"
he said looking at them with a sly smile. Husk just made a quiet "tch" sound and looked away with a light blush, as Angel giggled flirtingly.
,,Why thank you, short king ~"
said the spider looking at his lover.
,,I think so too ~"

Husk rolled his eyes at Angel's words and faced Lucifer again.
,,Uh.. your majesty, if I can ask.. what's with you and your wife? I see you're still wearing a ring, but Charlie never really mentioned her mother before"
Husk asked with genuine curiosity and well.. to change the topic from him and Angel.
Surprisingly, Lucifer took this question pretty well and just let out an upset sigh.
,,We're separated. It wasn't official, that's why I'm still wearing my ring but oh well.. I don't think we have anything in common besides Charlie anymore."
Husk looked at Lucifer with understanding and just nod. Of course, he didn't know his marriage was so tragic and he also felt sorry for him.
Getting the sad vibe around him, Angel pat the fallen angel on his shoulder and smiled.
,,You know, since you're single then, you can have so much fun! For example, Alastor's single too, and if you ask me, I'd call him pretty handsome ~"
yelled Husk hitting him with his elbow. Angel just laughed in return.
,,Pff- don't be silly.. as if I would want to have something with my enemy!"
said Lucifer, trying to brush it off. Angel and Husk just looked at him with sly smirks and raised eyebrows.
,,Huh.. oh come on you two!"

The three chatted and laughed for a little bit more, talking about various things. Lucifer loved their company, as he says, the friends of his daughter are his friends too. But after some time it was getting pretty late. Husk was already closing up his bar, and Angel was on the edge of falling asleep right on the counter.
Wishing each other good night, the three separated, going to their rooms.

Lucifer's POV:

Finnaly getting in my room, I right away took off my hat and jacket. I was sweating literal bullets in those and it was hot as hell in here.
Looking around the room that was specifically made for me, I noticed that it had a balcony leading to the outside. Perfect! Maybe I can cool off a bit like this.

But as soon as I stepped outside, I heard a familiar voice that was coming from somewhere near me. As I looked on my left, I saw a red tower built in into the hotel. ,,(oh yeah that must be his studio from the outside)" I thought to myself as I listened closer. Yes, that was indeed Alastor's voice and it seemed like he was in the middle of his night-broadcast. I could actually see him in his window, talking in his microphone and looking at a, I suppose, script.
Somehow, hearing his voice from afar and the theme Alastor was talking about, invested me, and I decided to stay on the balcony and listen.

After some time, when the broadcast ended, Alastor said his good-nights and the neon sign above his head changed from "LIVE" to turning off completely, I sighted realizing it was over. Tho, I couldn't be sad for long, because after turning everything off, Alastor turned his head right at me and stared at me with his brows risen through the window.
I jumped meeting his eyes with mine. I guess he did notice me after all.

Alastor's POV:

Lucifer awkwardly waved to me and I just rolled my eyes. Of course I knew he was listening and staring at me this whole time. To be honest, that made me a bit uncomfortable but since he stayed until the end, i can guess that he was invested and liked my broadcast. That made me glad.
But after I saw Lucifer waving at me again, he started to make different hand-movemens. From what I understood he wanted me to come to his room?
,,(oh for hell's sake..)", I sighted as I stood up. I didn't really want to be alone with him again but I was interested in what he wanted from me. Maybe some praise about my broadcast? It's never something bad. So I decided to see for myself.

Lucifer's POV:

Suddenly Alastor disappeared from his studio and my sight. I was waiting for him to knock on my door, but instead he appeared from a shadow jumpscaring me again.
I screeched seeing him standing right infront of me and Alastor then bended down to my level to place a finger on my lips shushing me.
,,Quiet, everyone's sleeping"
he said looking at me half serious half just annoyed.
I looked at him with my eyes wide open. I have to admit, his action was pretty hot, but him bending down just to do that felt humiliating. I just cleared my throat as he put his finger away from my face.
,,So, why did you call me here?"
he chuckled asking me after.
,,..Well, I just wanted to say that your broadcast was really interesting to listen to, Al. The way you pointed out your opinion and all was really.. inspiring"
I explained to the radio demon, as I saw one of his ears twitch.
Somehow his previously annoyed smile seemed to change to a genuine one. Or was it just my imagination?
,,Hah! Well thank you my dear, it's not often I hear something so nice from you!"
He suddenly answered chuckling.
,,Of course I.. huh, wait! It's not like that!"
I said annoyed getting another laugh from him.

I let out a sigh.
,,Just.. how do you do that?"
I asked looking back up at the deer, who tilted his head in slight confusion.
,,Hm?" he hummed.
,,Make people listen to you.. You know, when I and Lili-"
,,Oho, no my friend, I am certainly not listening you vent about your family drama!"
Alastor suddenly cut me off trying to go out of my room. But after seeing the upset look on my face he sighted, coming a bit more near to me.

,,You should move on, Lucifer. Don't let her get to you like this"
he said calmly and somewhat even comforting to me. I smiled at him warmly, as he nod and patted me on the head before dissapearing in his shadow once again.

Of course, Alastor wasn't the best at comforting, but he's still not a complete jerk as people refer to him.

After I was sure he left completely I dropped on my bed raising my hand and looking at the ring on my finger. "You should move on, Lucifer. Don't let her get to you like this".. his words were stuck in my head. Maybe I should move on.. Even if Lilith ever came back, it would never be the same. I smiled warmly once again before taking off my ring and placing it on the nighttable next to my bed.
Yeah.. he's not a bad guy.

Alastor's POV:

Laying in my bed I couldn't get my mind off the situation with Lucifer. The day I've got to learn him I quickly developed a hatred for him, without actually realizing why. Of course we have a competition of who's the better dad-figure for Charlie, but actually.. probably I have mistreated him. He was never so bad.

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