Chapter 2

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I felt my breath become shaky as I stared at the tall teenager boy. Named Tommyinnit.

I saw a blonde boy. blue eyes red and white T-shirt. "Who are you," I say. He looks at me. Looked me up and down and says, "Tommy and who are you, woman."

"Tommy..." I say with a quiet voice... He seemed shocked to see me as I was shocked to see him... "How are you-" he started to say but my brother cut him off. "Ok, seriously I am confused..." my brother said.

Tommy then smiled... He instantly ran to me, and bear hugged me. "I can't believe this!" he shouted as he hugged me. I looked to my brother who looked weirded out. I didn't hug him back though...

He pulled from the hug, and he seemed to inspect me now... "You look different woman..." Tommy said. "Who are you?" my brother asked him. Tommy looked from me to my brother.

"No who are you?" Tommy's voice changed as he looked my brother. "Her brother... Now you" my brother said slightly angered by Tommy. "Tommyinnit" Tommy said glaring his eyes at my brother.

Tommy looked back at me his eyes shifting to a thinking glare. "I don't understand..." Tommy said... "We couldn't revive you..." Tommy then added scratching his chin. "What?" I say tilting my head to the side a little.

"Maybe... It did revive you it just took a little while for you to be revived..." Tommy said with a nod. I raise my eyebrow slightly. But then Tommy's expression changed to one of happiness again. He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me somewhere.

"Woah... Tommy!" I say startled by his sudden movements. "Come on! Tubbo and Ranboo will be so happy!" Tommy said with excitement... 

Tubbo and Ranboo... "Woah let go of them!" my brother shouted grabbing my other wrist pulling me back. Tommy glared at my brother with the look I knew of...

Obsession and jealousy... He would glare at Tubbo like that... So did Wilbur-... Wilbur... Everyone was here... That means me and my brother are in big danger now. "Let go of them you bastard" Tommy said with anger.

"They don't even know you!" my brother shouted at Tommy. "Yes, they do you asshole!" Tommy shouted back angrily. I went back to thinking... Why would Tommy want to bring me to Tubbo and Ranboo?

Weren't they some sort of enemies back then...? I mean it has been three years... Things do change... That means Tommy isn't a teenager anymore... Well, he somehow still acts like one I see.

I then ripped both of my wrists from them and backed away from them both. Tommy and my brother looked at me worried. "Come on! Y/n!" Tommy whined at me annoyed. 

"I can't Tommy..." I say... I knew if I went with him, it would be a bad choice...

"See!" my brother shouted at him... Tommy looked at me annoyed now... His eye seemed to switch as well... He then looked back to my brother with a glare. "Fine..." Tommy said... He then turned around and walked away...

I was surprised he listened... I should take that as a bad sign... I then turned to my brother who was already turned to me. "Are you going to explain now?" my brother asks. 

I sigh and nod... I then looked at the destroyed looking L'manberg and back to my brother. "Remember when I had tried to kill myself..." I say to my brother.

He nods and his expression changed because he started to remember that day. "When I had tried to kill myself, I felt myself fall... I fell into this world..." I speak.

My brother squints his eyes at me in confusion... "This world is obsessed with me..." I say and my brother looked like he was trying to comprehend what I was saying but I knew he was failing. 

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