Intro thingie-ma-bobber

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Yep. Here we are. This is gonna be an adventure.

I don't know how many people actually read these, but this is going to be something along the lines of a Hazbin Hotel crack fic centered around a sinner who works for the V's. And yes, this could have been a character insert with (Y/n), but I didn't want to, so her name is Nyx. Have fun with that.

This character is also going to be such a theater kid it's not even funny. But it's actually hilarious.

And I'm gonna have one of those character introduction things too, because those are cool!

I don't know how many people actually read these intro chapters, but here goes anyway!


Nyx; chameleon demon

- Died in a shooting at her college

- Theater kid and nothing can stop her

- Personality varies depending on the time of day

"Wow Vox. I feel so loved. She said wholeheartedly and without an ounce of sarcasm in her tone."

Velvette; (whatever kind of demon she is I don't know)

- Head of the fashion industry in V's Tower

- Has a thing for glitter but hates how is reproduces asexually then gets everywhere

- Eventually made chasing Val away from her employees a past-time

"No more self hate; only narcissistic egotistical self love."

Vox; TV demon

- Head and founder of VoxTech Enterprises

- He acts all high and mighty but he'd actually a whiny bitch who gets off thinking about murdering The Radio Demon in the most gruesome way possible

- He's definitely a bottom

"How the FUCK do you know about The Shrine, I burned it two years ago!?"

Valentino; moth demon

- The definition of a manslut

- Probably the worst person you will ever meet in hell, seeing as most of the people we hate on earth are either in hiding or exterminated by now

- Where does he get all those smokes from, does he shove them up his ass???

"Please stop singing show-tunes, I will literally kill myself. Just because I said 'literally' doesn't mean I actually will- STOP SINGING LOUDER!"

Rosie; cannibal demon

- Literal queen, nothing else

- Makes the best snacks, even though they're made of human body parts

- Addicted to tea


Charlie Morningstar; hellborn

- She is such a pure soul, the sweet summer child

- She probably should have trust issues by now, but for some reason she refuses therapy even though her and all her friends need it and she's literally rich

- Bi icon

"I've only known Fat Nuggets for two days, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone here and then myself."

Vaggie; fallen angel

- Lesbian and proud

- She can probably beat anyone's ass

- Has a bit of a temper and gets really mad when people bring it up

         "If you don't get your hands off me in the next ten seconds you won't have hands."

Angel Dust; spider demon

- Iconic to no end

- He's so slutty it may as well be a personality trait

- *to the tune of Baby Got Back because why not* Baby got ✨ trauma ✨

          "I heard you were talking shit about me?"

Alastor; deer demon

- He eats people. Why? I don't fucking know.

- He probably rarely brushes his teeth, they're super fucking yellow

- He gives sadist vibes, but he's also ace, so how does that work

"Please stop implying you would like to have sec with me, I would rather burn myself alive!"

Husker; cat demon

- He knows everything about everyone

- Everyone's unwilling therapist

- Can and will silently judge you

          "I still can't believe you fucked TV-face. It was actually an entertaining story. Probably would have been funnier if you told it drunk."

Nifty; normal demon, idk

- She has horrible unaddressed OCD

- Probably a bit of a masochist, no one wants to ask

- When she wasn't able to clean half the entire hotel in three days she cried herself to sleep


Sir Pentious; snake demon

- Poor little insecure baby oh my gawd

- Proud father of what used to be hundreds, now reduced to about five, egg bois

- A wholehearted appreciator of steampunk for whatever reason

"Have you seen my eggs?? About yet high, very stupid, and clearly gay but we haven't had the talk-"

Cherri Bomb; human-ish demon

- Total anarchist

- Makes her own pyrotechnics

- Could get rich selling fireworks and shit but just thinks taking stuff by force is more fun

"Oh my god they were roommates."

I'll add more characters if I need to, enjoy the story! Comments and votes are appreciated!

Also, opinions on the cover? Should I change it or not?

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