2. The Descend

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Different writer from chapter one
TW: Minor swearing
I had zero clue what to put here sorry if it is bad

Elevator music starts playing through the speaker "Are we going to have to listen to this the whole way down this shit's awful" Cosmo says unamused, Nia and Ace nod to his comment. Nova looking at them unimpressed "Really come on, don't you people like this" nodding her head to the beat. Cosmo with an unimpressed look "Huh ok psychopath", Zia looking at the two bickering then to Ace wondering why he hasn't said anything thing, "I am not a psychopath you're the one that said we were going to die literally a few minutes ago"

"Come talk to me when you're annoyed at this Fucking music, k" Cosmo said in a cocky tone after that everyone when to silence

A few minutes were spent in silence just listening to the music, Nova looking like she could burst from not talking finally breaking the silence screaming "How long is this going to take", the three taken aback by the sudden shout, Zia looking like she could murder Nova for breaking the peace and quiet. Ace looking between the two girls not wanting fight to happen "Let's not shout that loudly.... ok" in a quiet voice

The speaker crackles breaking away the music "Looks like everyone is getting along lovely" a woman's voice speaks "Hey where's the old man" Nova questions at this new voice. "Ahh don't worry about him his on his break I just wanted to see the batch of experiments that were awake darling"

Cosmo cocking is brow "So there is more of us?"
Zia looking at Cosmo, in a monotone voice "are numbers aren't in order what do you think genius"

"Hey lady you there" Nova asks looking up at the speaker, "Yes darling?" The woman asks. Everyone looking at Nova for this sudden question, "How far down are we?" Everyone nodding to the question for they wanted an answer to. "Will hit half way in about 2 minutes and speaking of time I will be taking my leave now toodles" the speaker crackers as the music resumes

"What the absolute Fuck were going to die of starvation before we even make it to the bottom" Cosmo shouts ,Ace realising this is going nowhere "why not we talk.. about stuff we remember like going around in a circle .. if that's fine with everyone of course"

"Yes that would be a great thing to do" Nova exclaims. Zia not wanting to participate gose to a corner and sits down. "I'll go first" Cosmo says. Everyone takes a corner and sits down to go around in a circle. Zia notices what happened but doesn't make an effort to move off the floor interested in what the three have to say. "I remember my favourite colour, Red the colour of blood" Cosmo proudly said. "See I'm not the psychopath here" Nova says under her breath.

"Well my favourite colour is Blue like the sky" Nova exclaims. "Like we will be seeing that any time soon, we're going to the fiery pits of hell" Cosmo remarks. Nova asks ,ignoring The white haired boy, "well what's your guys favourite colour" pointing at both Ace and Zia. "Im not going to be apart of this conversation" The Lavender hair girl quickly replies.
Nova looking at her like she said she had killed a dog "well carrying on Ace your go" Cosmo interjects.

"I know I said ... that we should do this ... but I sadly only remember my name" Ace quietly says just enough that they can just about hear.

"Thats fine"



Silence fell on the group waiting for the elevator to finally reach its destination. Zia falls asleep to hoping this silence stays

"Let's play a game" Nova says breaking the silence. The boys turn to look at her then at each other before nodding. "What game then?" Cosmo asks
Ace nodding his question. "How about rock paper scissor" Nova replies. "What does ... the loser do?" Ace questions.

Nova ignores the question and puts her hand in a fist in the middle ,Cosmo follows along. Ace hesitates putting his hand in the middle before following along. "Loser wakes up purple over there" Cosmo says tilting his head over to Zia.

"Deal bitch"


"First to three wins?"

Nova nodding with confident look on her face, Ace looking worried but still nodding.


Nova had rock, Ace had scissors and Cosmo had rock. "Looks were on a tie the first game" Nova says. A few games go by and Nova and Cosmo are still playing while Ace backed out a ten games ago.

"Ha you lose"

"Come on" Cosmo said in a disappointed tone as he lost the final game. "Alright it go wake up purple now" he says turn his head over to Zia whose eyes were open. Zia was very much awake staring at them with a blank stare. "I woke up fourteen games ago your to late" she says unimpressed. With a smirk Nova says "well she is wake let's change our deal"

"To what?"

"Guys maybe forget this now" Ace quickly and quietly says trying to avoid conflict. "Let those dumbasses make what ever deal they want I'm actually finding this entertaining" Zia says to Ace.

"New deal"


"We change it to the loser has to do what ever the winner says, Deal"


Ace looking concerned about what Nova might make Cosmo do ,says "if the loser feels two uncomfortable doing what ever the winner says the winner has to change what the loser dose"

"Yes I like that idea" Cosmo says trying to get out of most things Nova says. "We start the deal after the doors open and end at night if we even get to see the sun" Nova puts her hand out for Cosmo to shake "Deal" he says shaking her hand. "The doors are going to open soon" Zia calmly says

"How do you know purple"

"From what the lady on the speaker said"

"That doesn't explain it"

The doors open sending a bright light into the elevator.

Word count:
By: X
Hello how was this chapter the second writer wrote this aka me 🙂 I'm just putting X down so u can tell who wrote it see
Like it see what's in store next chapter, Toodles

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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