Chapter 5

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Jisung had difficulty falling asleep that night, His mind had been full with thoughts of Minho. Jisung eventually shook the thoughts off and went to sleep.


When Jisung woke up, he picked up his phone to a text message.

It was from Minho

"Lets meet at the studio tonight, I want to practice the choreo together"

oh my god. Minho wanted to meet Jisung one on one, Jisung was unsure if he should go since he had just met Minho and didnt know his intentions

Surely Minho just wanted to practice the steps in detail which Jisung appreciated because hes not a very quick learner in dance.

Jisung decided to take up Minhos offer and they decided to meet at 6pm

Jisung knew he would be anticipating meeting Minho all day and needed to take some stress off his shoulders.

Jung-Hee invited Jisung over to his place for lunch and since Jisung still had 4 hours until he was meeting Minho so he took the opportunity to go hang out with his brother.

When Jisung arrived Jung-Hee had just finished cooking. Jung-Hee flung the door open, "Thank god your here so quickly, we need to discuss what i was trying to say last night"

oh right.. the call...

Jisung had a feeling where this was going.

"So you obviously remember what i was saying about Changbin and how hes friends with Minho."

"mhmmmm" Jisung was unsure about this

"Well, dont you think if you and Minho hung out i would have the opportunity to talk to changbin and get to know him. Like double dates you know?"

Jisung didn't understand where this was exactly headed but he didn't like the sound of it already.

"Jung-Hee, what are you on about?"

"If you and Minho hung out and got close i could get close to Changbin"

"What do you mean Hang out"

"Dating Jisung."

Jisung froze. Jung-Hee was really asking him to date someone just to help him get close to this gym guy.

"Minho isnt even gay and ive known him for like 3 days what makes you think im going to date him"

"It doesnt have to be real Jisung, Just help me out Pleaseeeee" Jung-Hee was practically begging at this point.


"Fuck Jisung, A fake relationship! Just until me and Changbin get closer and then you two can fake a break up and whatever"

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