Chapter 7

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The night was coming to a close and they were pretty tipsy after Minho kept ordering shots for the two, Probably to calm his nerves about what others thought of them eating together.

Minho stood and stumbled a bit but found balance and Jisung joined him in standing and heading out of the restaurant.

They got a few steps out of the door and Minho grabbed Jisungs arm while pulling him into an alley right outside the restaurant.

"M-Minho what are you doing" He breathed shakingly

Minho had him pinned. Both of Minhos arms on either side of Jisungs head

His hand moved to his waist

Minho was out of it


The hand still resting on the wall moved to Jisungs chin, He closed the space between their bodys which were completely touching at this point.

"Minho.." Jisung breathed as he looked at his lips

Minho still seeming out of it and quite tipsy

He traced the bottom of Jisungs lips, never breaking eye contact.

Jisungs breathing picked up in pace

Minho looked down to his lips and closed the space between his and Jisungs in a chaste kiss.

Jisung thought about pushing him away but why did he not mind

Must've been the alcohol

They stayed in an innocent enough kiss for a moment

Minho lost somewhat of his control, The hand holding Jisungs waist started grabbing Jisungs shirt on that side

Slowly pulling up and slipping his hand under to feel Jisungs bare skin.

He bit Jisungs bottom lip, Asking for access and Jisung opened for him

Jisung wasnt sure why he was so okay with all of this, He thought maybe if he rejected it Minho would get angry with him because thats what most drunk people did whenever Jisung tried to interfere.

Minho slipped his tounge in and groaned when his met Jisungs. As if he had been deprived of this almost like he had been craving it.

The grip he had on Jisungs waist tightened causing him to whine into his mouth and grab his shirt, pulling Minho even closer than before, Their chests practically pressed onto eachother.

Minho grabbed his leg, hiked it over his hip, and pushed them against the outside wall. Their crotches now pressed together and Jisung could feel Minho through his pants

The hand on Jisungs waist started to creep upward until Minho felt his pecs

That's when Jisung knew it had gone to far.

He backed from Minhos mouth with a wet pop and looked into his eyes.

The half hooded eyes stared back at him. Wanting more. Craving more. completely full of lust.

But had to remember that they were only fake dating and not only that they were literally making out in an alleyway right now.

Jisung brushed his hair from his face, "Lets get you an uber"

Minho let go of his thigh and waist as he grabbed his phone out of his bag

He sat down on the ground leaning against the wall trying to ignore the massive headache he had from all the alcohol he drank

Tipsy was the light way to describe how much Minho had to drink.

Within a few minutes the uber arrived and Jisung helped Minho into the backseat

Minho almost immediately fell asleep, his head fell to the side resting on Jisungs shoulder.

He didnt mind especially knowing Minho was drunk and wanted him to at least be somewhat sober when they got to the hotel.

He decided to move Minhos head to his lap, allowing him to fully lie down in the back of the car using Jisungs thighs as a pillow.

He started stroking through Minhos soft hair, wondering if Minho knew what he was doing earlier or if it was purely the alcohol.

By the time they got to the hotel Jisung had gotten pretyy tired himself.

He gently woke Minho up just enough for him to be able to walk to the hotel room Jisung had checked into in advance

They got in the elevator and to Jisungs surprise it wasnt busy. although it was 11pm so he didnt know why he thought it would be

Minho, still very drunk pushed Jisung against the inside wall of the elevator.

He didnt even spare Jisung a single word and immediately crashed onto his lips with a small groan.

The elevator arrived at their floor and Jisung pushed him away to walk him to the room.

Minho stumbled down the hallway even with Jisungs support, Once they got into the room Jisung layed Minho down against the soft pillows and warm comforter which was neatly made.

He tucked him in and moved the hair strands from out of his eyes as Minho began dozing off to sleep.

Jisung stayed sitting next to him for a what felt like forever,  Just admiring him

memorizing his every detail on that beautifully sculpted face.

Jisung felt something for Minho.

More than friendship, Less than lovers

He snapped out of whatever trance he was just in and thought about going home but thought he should probably not leave Minho here to just wake up hungover and confused as to what happened without closer.

He decided to just stay, surely Minho wouldnt mind him sleeping in the same bed?

Jisung climbed in the bed on the other side of Minho, He created a pillow wall just incase Minho trys anything again while drunk.

Minho made a small whine sound and Jisung froze, Hoping he didnt wake him.

He checked on him but he was knocked out

Jisung finally could go to sleep after all of what happened today and even just within the past hour and a half.

Him and Minho literally made out in an alleyway.. If thats not an eventful day he didnt know what was.

Jisung kept trying to fall asleep but all he could think about was Minhos soft cherry flavored lips on his.

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