Scene 8:

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The sense of justice pushes you to act. You run to the youth leader and push him away from the sissy. Soon you are surrounded by the four bouncers, and before you know it you end up face first in the grass, swallowing dust with every gasp, earning punches, insults, and kicks. Out of the corner of your eye you catch Isaac walking past you.

You missed the opening ceremony. Now you take a seat, your clothes dirty and your body bruised, in front of the desk in the vice chancellor's office. A large painting of Simón Bolivar gives you an indomitable stare from the back. The iron woman appears, with her black-framed glasses, and her tight black hairdo. She reminds you of Isaac, but shorter, older, and a few pounds heavier.

"First day, first offense. How do you explain this, Matamoros?"

It's a trick question, it doesn't give you a chance to defend yourself, she doesn't need your version of events either, the vice-rector knows in detail what happened.

"Gustavo didn't hit that boy for fun. He wanted to correct him, to help him. Our society has values, and those values must be respected and defended. It's not right to walk around in tight clothes as if this were a Burlesque House"

She sighs and turns his chair toward the painting, as if to ask for advice from the portrait of the liberator.

"I know from your record that you are a good boy, with potential, ready to become a straight man. Don't waste the opportunity we give you"

She returns his gaze, his countenance softened.

"Gustavo spoke to me after he brought you in. He is ashamed of his rudeness, and understands that you only acted out of a sense of justice. Justice is a very important factor among the young perejimeniztas. I invite you to talk to him.... Gustavo would be a great influence on you"

Nod and follow his advice to meet with Gustavo to smooth things over (Scene 14).

Nod but only to get rid of you (Scene 15)

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