Chapter 1

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It's another Monday. It's the start of the work week. The terrible work week. The dangerous work week.

I'm here waiting for Jeremy. It's OK for him to be slow getting here. It's let's me get all my panic how me may not survive the night with me, out of me.

Jeremy's reactions are... How do I put this nicely? Are not that smart. Like tossing the light at the original faceless Bonnie in panic, making me race across the room to get it.

I'm OK with it still. He's nice to be with and doesn't mess around like the others I worked with. They all dead because of that.

"I... I'm sorry." Jeremy rushes in just as it turns 12.

"You're lucky." I tell him and get my feet off the desk.

I watch him set up fast and get to work. I know nothing really happens on Mondays, so I play on my phone and wind the music box when needed.

Jeremy makes a weird sound. I've learned that means he's mad at something.

"Are you mad at me again?" I wind up the box. "Dang it." I whisper.

My army got attacked and now I have less than half.

"N... No." Jeremy let's out. He makes that sound again.


"N... No."

"Something at home?"

"N... No."

"What is it man?! All I hear is your angry noises!" I set my phone down.

I hate seeing him mad or upset. It gets me mad at whatever he's mad at.

"I... I realize I don't have m... My hat." He moves his hair around.

I just realized that. I also notice the bed head.

I laugh. "You're mad about that."

Jeremy turns red and makes that sound again. "I'm n... Not dressed right for th... The job!"

I frown. He must be mad at me now.

I take off my hat and put it on his head. "There dork."

Jeremy looks at the top of my head with an open mouth.

I sigh. "It happened from the bite. I'm fine really." I put a hand on my head.

I touch my injuries gently. Some are healed and others will never heal.

Jeremy touches them as I wind up the music box. I blush at that.

Then I feel a kiss on my head.

"Jere!" I turn red and pull away.

"K... Kisses help boo boos." He sighs and sits back in his seat.

I notice he starting to act or do weird things, but only around me.

I know I like him. I broke up with my girlfriend because we both started to fall in love with other people. Plus she cheated on me with that guy.

I want to know if he feels the same. I really do.

"Jeremy are you dating someone?"


Sorry for this chapter being so short. :(

I was hoping to make it longer than it is.

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